Report in RTF format based on the Group Header



Thank you in advance for your valuable time and expertize in helping me.
I have a master report file which is grouped based on one catergory (owner).
I would like to create a function where I could export this main report in
rtf format for each owner. Eg. If I have 100 owners in the master report with
150 pages. When I export the report in rtf format, it will generate 100
different file in rtf format that is named after the owner. Is it possible,
Can any one please help me. Thank you.
My whole idea is to reduce the time it takes to send/export each report for
each onwer in rtf format. Going forward my list of owners will be growing in
size. this solution would be very helpful.

Lance McGonigal

I have a project where I looped through a recordset (based on a groupby
query) and saved the report as a snapshot where the headername = the field.
I'm sure you could do the same thing to rtf.

good luck.


Thank you for sharing your experience. Could you please elaborate on that a
little bit. I like that concept but was not able to fully understand it.
Thank you

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