Report in Form

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Thanks for taking the time to read my question.

Just wondering if it is possible to have a report in a form. I have a form
in which a budget will be entered. As it is entered I would like the budget
to build and show totals etc. for each category they enter. The fields I have
are ID, Category, Amount, So it won't be static, so I can't pre define the
controls on the form.

IF you make a report, it would work, but I can't seem to add a report to a

Thanks again,

I'm unaware of any way to do that.

I don't understand, though, why you can create a report, but not a form.
Sorry if I've confused you.

Picture this:

My form has 3 levels Budget Main, Budget Detail, Budget Sub Detail

So data is entered like this:
Field Field
Form = Category = Amount

Budget Main = March 14, 2006
Budget Detail = Expenses
Budget Sub Detail = Snow Removal = $50
Budget Sub Detail = Janitorial = $200
Budget Sub Detail = Secritarial = $200
Budget Detail = Utilities
Budget Sub Detail = Natural Gas = $90
Budget Sub Detail = Electricity = $60
Budget Sub Detail = Water = $45

The sub forms will be on the left side, and on the right side of the form I
would like to have a sub report like this:


March 14, 2006
---- Expenses
-------- Snow Removal $50
-------- Janitorial $200
-------- Secritarial $200
---- Utilities
-------- Natural Gas $90
-------- Electricity $60
-------- Water $45


So as they enter data, add new categories, and their amounts, I could
requery the report, and show the updated budget as they add data. This way
they can see their budget as they build it.

I thought it would be neat to have. I hope this makes sense. I just posted a
picture of what it could look like at Pierced is my band web page, it's
not some funky site.

In other words, you would be using Grouping in reports.

Yeah, you're right, there isn't an equivalent in forms. What you're
describing would fit nicely into a TreeView control though.
Ya, I saw that "Tree View" in the controls. Not really sure how to use it,
and exactly which one to select. I saw a couple "Tree View" controls.

Do you know of any examples where this was used? Can you base a Tree View
on a query?

Thanks for your help on this Doug.