John Smith
I print a schedule of the classes I teach. At the top is a grid showing 8
lesson times down the left side (y axis) and about 20 dates across the top
(x axis). Each cell in the grid contains a group number. Below this grid is
a listing of the students in each group - first a Group Number heading, then
followed below by the name of each student member. Since it is a relatively
narrow list (one name wide - max 35 characters), I flow it over to a second
or sometimes (if needed) 3 columns to keep it all on a page.
My Access 2000 student database contains, among other things, fields for
first and last names and the student's group number.
I have building the schedule in Word 2000, cutting and pasting the student
information into it from a straight report containing the Group Numbers and
student names that I generate in Access 2000 and export to RTF. It is not
hard but it's tedious and it needs to be manually updated from time to time.
I'd like to create the schedule as a report directly in Access but have run
into two formatting problems:
The grid seems hard to build in Access. I've tried to put one in the Report
Header section, but find creating the grid lines difficult.
The list, which I can create easily enough in the detail section as a
straight-down list, needs to print in flowed columns. Is there a way to do
that in the Access report generator?
Alternatively, is there a way to create the format (including the complete
grid) in Word and link the student list to my Access fields so that it
always will contain up-to-date data without having to do all the manual
cutting, pasting and reformatting?
Thanks in advance.
lesson times down the left side (y axis) and about 20 dates across the top
(x axis). Each cell in the grid contains a group number. Below this grid is
a listing of the students in each group - first a Group Number heading, then
followed below by the name of each student member. Since it is a relatively
narrow list (one name wide - max 35 characters), I flow it over to a second
or sometimes (if needed) 3 columns to keep it all on a page.
My Access 2000 student database contains, among other things, fields for
first and last names and the student's group number.
I have building the schedule in Word 2000, cutting and pasting the student
information into it from a straight report containing the Group Numbers and
student names that I generate in Access 2000 and export to RTF. It is not
hard but it's tedious and it needs to be manually updated from time to time.
I'd like to create the schedule as a report directly in Access but have run
into two formatting problems:
The grid seems hard to build in Access. I've tried to put one in the Report
Header section, but find creating the grid lines difficult.
The list, which I can create easily enough in the detail section as a
straight-down list, needs to print in flowed columns. Is there a way to do
that in the Access report generator?
Alternatively, is there a way to create the format (including the complete
grid) in Word and link the student list to my Access fields so that it
always will contain up-to-date data without having to do all the manual
cutting, pasting and reformatting?
Thanks in advance.