Report Footer and Grand Totals on one page

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I have a multicolumn report that I sum all the information and have place the
sum of that into the report Footer for a Grand Total. Is there anyway to put
the grand total on the same page of a multi column report instead of it
printing on a new page??
John said:
I have a multicolumn report that I sum all the information and have place the
sum of that into the report Footer for a Grand Total. Is there anyway to put
the grand total on the same page of a multi column report instead of it
printing on a new page??

If the columns are Down then Across, the first column might
use the entire page height and not leave room for the report
footer. If you use Across then Down, the columns will fill
evenly and the report footer can be printed on the same page
(if there is room).

A different idea that can be used if you do not need the
entire report width for the report footer is to create a top
level group on a constant expression such as =1 and use this
group's footer instead of the report footer.
Marshall didn't really work, for one it put the totals for each group. I
guess I should have given you more information. I am using the group footer
to sum everything first, then I put the grand totals in the report footer. I
am not using the details section at all.
Not sure which "it" didn't work. If it was the idea of
using a group footer, then it sounds like you did not create
a new top level group using the expression =1.
Marshall the report currently has 4 columns in it, the labels are being
hidden by code, so that I get something like this.

Lbl Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
"" "" "" "" ""

THe columns are the length of the whole page. When I tried to group on -1
and ran the report it asked me for the value of -1(maybe I don't know what
you are asking me to do exactly) but it ran and did the following.

lbl Data1 Total Data2 Total Data3 Total Data4 Total. and
what I would like is

lbl Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Total

If it would help I could send you a copy of the DB and show you what it is
doing. Please let me know.

Marshall Barton said:
Not sure which "it" didn't work. If it was the idea of
using a group footer, then it sounds like you did not create
a new top level group using the expression =1.
MVP [MS Access]

John said:
Marshall didn't really work, for one it put the totals for each group. I
guess I should have given you more information. I am using the group footer
to sum everything first, then I put the grand totals in the report footer. I
am not using the details section at all.
Oh boy, what you are describing now is completely different
from what I thought you were were asking about before. Your
original post asked about getting the report footer grand
total on the same page as the last detail. I.e. I thought
you had:

Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
"" "" "" ""
"" "" ""
"" "" ""
"" "" ""
Grand Total nnnn

Then I said IF it was acceptable to show the grand total in
the last data column:

Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
"" "" "" ""
"" "" "" ----------
"" "" "" nnnn
"" "" ""

So I am completely lost as to how we got from the original
question to what you now seem to be asking for. Actually,
for what you now seem to be asking about, I not only don't
see a way to do that, I can see how it would be meaninful in
a report.

As for you being prompted for -1, it's probably because you
didn't set the Sorting and Grouping Field/Expression to =1
as I suggested.