Report Field Problem

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I can't get the Price field to fill in the information for the price of the
Item number.I created a query using the Defectivie Supply Table which has
item number fro a filed. I also used the Item NUmber table,linked the 2
tables and added Price to the query. The query runs fine,I get the price for
each item number,but when I run the report I get nothing for the Price. What
I am I doing wrong?

The Item number field in the Dective Supplies table does no reference the
Item number Table as a Lookup. This is the way the table was setup.
Have you linked the text field in the report to the field in the query?
Check the control source of the field in the report, to see if it linked to
any field.
Thanks for responding Ofer.
Are you saying that the field on the report should be a bound field.
The Item Number field is coming from the Defective Supply table,the Price
field is coming from the Item Number table.
The query is using the Price field which is the control source on the report.
Open the report in design view, and select in the control source of the price
field, the price field name from the query that the report is bound to.