Malcolm P
Access 2002
Crosstab Query:
Row heading = Atty; Group by
Column heading = ChargeCode; Group by
Value = Time; sum
Row heading = Total of Time: Time; Sum
Where = TimeSheetDate
Summary of attorneys' time by charge codes.
Column headings = charge codes: PA, FAD, CLE, No Charge,
Discount, Collection, Flat Fee, Contingent Fee, Billable.
Row headings = the attorneys
If I run the report for a time period (eg: 1/1/03 to
12/31/03) in which there was time charged to all the
different charge codes, then the report prints/displays
without a problem. If I run the report for a time
period (eg: 12/1/03 to 12/31/03) in which there was no
time charged to one or more of the charge codes (eg: no
time charged to Discount cases), then I get the follow
error message, "The Microsoft Jet database does not
recognize "Discount" as a valid field name or expression.".
If I go to the Crosstab Query itself and run the query for
12/1/03 to 12/31/03, in which no time was charged to
Discount cases (for example), then the query runs without
an error and displays the query excluding a column for
Discount. The Report when run will not exclude the
Discount column, as stated above, and display the report.
How can I get the Report to print/display? Can I somehow
instruct the Report to ignore the charge code without time
charged to it and force it to display/print anyways?
Note - Report's Design:
The text boxes are in the Detail section in a row as
Atty, Total of Time, then a text box for each charge code
The control source in the charge code text boxes is =nz
([Discount],"-") This was suppose to display a - if
there was no time charged for the period.
Crosstab Query:
Row heading = Atty; Group by
Column heading = ChargeCode; Group by
Value = Time; sum
Row heading = Total of Time: Time; Sum
Where = TimeSheetDate
Summary of attorneys' time by charge codes.
Column headings = charge codes: PA, FAD, CLE, No Charge,
Discount, Collection, Flat Fee, Contingent Fee, Billable.
Row headings = the attorneys
If I run the report for a time period (eg: 1/1/03 to
12/31/03) in which there was time charged to all the
different charge codes, then the report prints/displays
without a problem. If I run the report for a time
period (eg: 12/1/03 to 12/31/03) in which there was no
time charged to one or more of the charge codes (eg: no
time charged to Discount cases), then I get the follow
error message, "The Microsoft Jet database does not
recognize "Discount" as a valid field name or expression.".
If I go to the Crosstab Query itself and run the query for
12/1/03 to 12/31/03, in which no time was charged to
Discount cases (for example), then the query runs without
an error and displays the query excluding a column for
Discount. The Report when run will not exclude the
Discount column, as stated above, and display the report.
How can I get the Report to print/display? Can I somehow
instruct the Report to ignore the charge code without time
charged to it and force it to display/print anyways?
Note - Report's Design:
The text boxes are in the Detail section in a row as
Atty, Total of Time, then a text box for each charge code
The control source in the charge code text boxes is =nz
([Discount],"-") This was suppose to display a - if
there was no time charged for the period.