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Trying to add fields to a table but getting the msg "cannot
make changes to the design of the database at this replica".
The account has about 50 users on the network. No IT people.
How do I go about finding the Design Master? What is the
Design Master?
The Design Master is where you make changes to the design
and structure of the database. All other copies are just
replicas and you cannot modify them. You can tell if you
have the Design Master if you minimize the Main
Switchboard to reveal the view of your tables, queries,
etc. At the top of that screen, it will display whether
it's the Design Master or a Replica (you would have to do
this with all 50 users to find your Design Master).

However, you can take any replica and turn it into the
Design Master. It's too lengthy to explain, so refer to
your Help options (just type in 'recover design master)
and it will walk you through it. Of course, I wouldn't do
that unless you are absolutely sure that it's okay to take
away the Design Master from whomever.

Hope this helps!
I'm an experienced Access programmer but have not run into
replication. We found the Design Master. Now the question
is, why would replication be put on the database in the
first place? Person who designed it doesn't know and told
me to remove it. Would a network person put it on for
better response time? Or is it accidently put
on by someone who wanted to take a copy on their laptop?
(Seems like anyone could do it with access to the Tools
command on the menu bar).
No one seems to know how it got there. I don't want to take
it off only to have it reappear again.