our server is w2k/exchange, workstations w2k w/office xp pro. We run a data base to track much information, currently the dB is located on the server and each workstation access and changes data to that database. Problem is performance...the database is slow. Contacted the creator of dB and suggested that perhaps replication would be the answer to the performance problem. They agree but indicate that I will need to purchase microsoft replication manager to controll the sincronization (sp???) of the various replicated sets. This will be fine but I cannot find any information concerning a replication (microsoft) manager for office 2002/2003
Question; is this product necessary to control the database sincronizations? If so, what is it called (named exactly) so I can price the product?
thanks in advance..............doug
Question; is this product necessary to control the database sincronizations? If so, what is it called (named exactly) so I can price the product?
thanks in advance..............doug