Extract from Resource Kit - Distribution System Guide - Chapter 6
Change Notification Between Sites
By default, changes are replicated between sites according to a schedule and
not according to when changes occur. For this reason, the greatest
replication latency across the forest is the sum of the greatest replication
latencies along the single longest replication path of any directory
For special circumstances, you can configure change notifications on
connections between sites. By modifying the site link object, you can enable
change notification between sites for all connections that occur over that
link. Use ADSI Edit to enable change notification between sites.
To enable change notification between sites
1.. In ADSI Edit, expand the Configuration container.
2.. Navigate to the Inter-Site Transports container, and select CN=IP.
(You cannot enable change notification for SMTP links.)
3.. Right-click the site link object for the sites for which you want to
enable change notification, and then click Properties.
4.. In the Select a property to view box, select options.
5.. In the Edit Attribute box, if the Value(s) box shows <not set>, type 1
in the Edit Attribute box. If the Value(s) box contains a value, you must
derive the new value by using a Boolean BITWISE-OR calculation on the old
value, as follows: old_value BITWISE-OR 1. For example, if the value in the
Value(s) box is 2, calculate 0010 OR 0001 to equal 0011. Type the integer
value of the result in the Edit Attribute box; for this example, the value
is 3.
6.. Click OK.
Enabling change notifications across site links propagates all change
notifications. With change notification between sites set, changes propagate
to the remote site with the same frequency that they are propagated within
the source site, including changes that warrant urgent replication.
Note Do not enable change notification on demand-dial IP site links or on
SMTP site links.