replication failed

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i'm experiencing replication problem on an AD 2000 between server1 and server2

event 1265 " The attempt to establish a replication link with parameters
..... failed with the following status: failure of the remote procedure call.

when i try a manuel replication (repadmin /sync .... server1 <guid server2>
i get the message:
dsbinwithcred to server1 failed with status 1726 (0x6be)
failure of the remote procedure call (translation from french "échec de
l'appel de procédure distante")

i looked everywhere but did not find any explanation.
the only information is about the event 1265 and the message "RPC server is
not available" which is not my case.

i checked my topology, my sites configuration and also DNS and it is fine.

does someone could help me finding the real meaning of this specific message ?

thank you in advance.
patman said:

i'm experiencing replication problem on an AD 2000 between server1
and server2

event 1265 " The attempt to establish a replication link with
parameters .... failed with the following status: failure of the
remote procedure call.

when i try a manuel replication (repadmin /sync .... server1 <guid
server2> i get the message:
dsbinwithcred to server1 failed with status 1726 (0x6be)
failure of the remote procedure call (translation from french "échec
de l'appel de procédure distante")

i looked everywhere but did not find any explanation.
the only information is about the event 1265 and the message "RPC
server is not available" which is not my case.

i checked my topology, my sites configuration and also DNS and it is

does someone could help me finding the real meaning of this specific
message ?

thank you in advance.

RPC Server not available may be the issue. If DNS is misconfigured (such as
using an ISP's DNS address in any domain member or DC IP properties), or the
DNS domain is a single label name, can cause replication issues. Other
factors include MTU alterations if you have multiple locations. There are
numerous factors.

If you can, please post an unedited ipconfig /all of both DCs to give us a
starting point to better assist.


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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
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