aa wrote:
Comments inline
It's Malke, actually. I'm a woman tech.
Generally u answeres my question - I shall expect problems with the
drivers, so I have to go dual boot first.
You will still have problems if you dual boot because you will still need
drivers for that hardware! You should consider using virtualization
instead. The hardware is all virtualized and so drivers aren't an issue.
You install the virtualization software and then create a virtual machine
("vm") and install the operating system of your choice (XP in your case).
Virtualization is a fine solution if you must run older business software.
Gamers needing excellent 3D support will not be happy. I use (and prefer)
VMware Workstation, but it isn't free. Microsoft Virtual PC and Sun's
VirtualBox are free. You must own a legal retail copy of XP to install in
the vm.
Of course, I visited hp.com and even talked to HP Support before troubling
people here. The result is inconclusive. They have SOME XP drivers, but
they are not sure they have them all.
Then that laptop isn't a good candidate for XP. HP's hardware is proprietary
and they are the ones who will have the drivers for it. You could always
try installing XP and see what happens. If it doesn't work, restore your
computer to factory condition via the method HP provides.
(Snip rantlet - don't really care)
as to "If none of the above is applicable to you because you can't run XP
on that machine (see Item #1 above), return the computer and purchase one
running XP instead", first, the shop refused to take it back saying that I
knew that I was purchasing Vista. I indeed knew that, but I did not know
that I would need go for VISTA training cources to run it and also to
throw away half of my applications for they would noit install on VISTA.
Microsoft never mentioned this in their VISTA promotions
As to purchase one running XP instead - when and wherre last time you
saw a computer on sale running anything other then VISTA? I contacted HP,
DELL and Toshiba and they all advised me that Miscrosoft refused them
licences for XP or W2K forcing them to sell only VISTA.
Almost all my clients have ordered computers running XP from Dell. We had a
new one come in just last week. It is true that only certain models are
supported but you got incorrect information from whoever you spoke to at
Dell. I can't speak for HP since I don't deal with their business division,
preferring Dell. At this point with Windows 7 coming out soon, the OEMs may
indeed no longer offer XP. However, you can carefully choose a model that
does have drivers. The onus to purchase the correct product is on the buyer
- you.
(Snip request for legal advice - you cannot get that here. If you want legal
advice, you will need to contact (and pay) a local attorney.