Replacing Video With A Picture

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Hammer said:
Is it possible to replace a portion of a video with a still image but keep
the audio?

Possible but not easy, unless somebody else has an easier way than what I am
about to suggest.
1. Drag the entire clip to the audio portion of the timeline. With nothing
in the video section save your movie.
Instead of getting video options you will be given audio options. You
can now save the audio as a WMA
file for later use in your project.
2. Split the video to remove the portion you want to replace with a still
3. Drag the first video clip to the timeline.
4. Drag the still to the timeline and adjust it so it plays for the full
length of the part of the video you removed.
5. Drag the last video to the timeline.
6. Mute the video clips audio.
7. Now import the audio clip you created and drag it to the audio portion of
the timeline.

Mission accomplished. The hard part is getting the still image just right so
your audio is in sync when you get to the 2nd video clip.
Wojo said:
Possible but not easy, unless somebody else has an easier way than what I am
about to suggest.

Another variation of the same but a bit simpler:

1. Cut the portion to be replaced on both sides. It is now a new clip.
2. Drag it to the audio/music track maintaining its position
3. Insert the still picture in the video track
4. Adjust the duration of still to align with the clip in music track.