posted to one group a.c.h.p-h only; if JR doesn't read that group, he
won't see it
Jimmy said:
Do some newsgroups allow cross-posting and some newgroups discourage
There are a number of problems with crossposting; and the most
popular/common crossposting is done by -1- spammers -2- googlegroupers
hoping to expose their question to as many as possible to get the most
answers the fastest and -3- spamming googlegroupers
Consequent to -1-, many many people who can filter, which doesn't
include GGers, filter out all messages which are crossposted. The
result of that filtering is that -2- the wish to expose your question
all over the place - doesn't work, because many of the same people who
do such xpost filtering are the ones who could answer your question.
It is better to -a- search for an answer to your question with a
websearch tool such as google and a usenet search tool such as
googlegroups -b- notice which one single group's questions and replies
are most appropriate for your question; or even find the answer to a
question similar to your own by your search -c- before posting (or
crossposting) a message into any group, familiarize yourself with what
is going on in that particular group by reading some scores of messages
in that group.
That means that if you were crossposting, the -c- requirement would
require you to not only read a lot of messages in 4 different groups,
but also to subscribe to 4 different groups and follow the responses in
4 different groups, because...
-d- ... there are many people like myself who do not post (or crosspost)
a message into a group they don't read. Thus, if one of those people
has the answer you want and you aren't reading all of the messages which
are replies to your messages in all of the groups where you crossposted
it, you won't see the reply which you wanted.
-e- ... some newsservers filter out excessively crossposted messages
because of -1- above, and the term 'excessive' means different things to
different newsserver admins.