Has anyone got anything to add to this guide? -
You will need a small flathead screwdriver and a small phillips.
Pre: remove the battery, and all covers on the bottom of the laptop (memory, modem/NIC, etc). Snap the memory out. Remove the modem (2 screws and 1 small cable holding it in). Remove the CD/DVD rom drive(1 screw labeled O on the bottom, and then there is a black lever under one of the panels you removed. This will push toward the direction of the drive which will push it out.... from there just pull the drive straight out)
Now you should have all panels on the bottom, the battery, the memory, and the modem and/or Nic removed.
Power plastics strip: 1) use the flathead screwdriver to pop up the right side of the small plastic strip above the keyboard.... it has the power button on this strip. This whole strip will remove if you pull from right to left after popping up the corner.. no screws.
Sit this piece to the side.
Keyboard: 2) remove the three or four small screws above the keyboard(they are holding the keyboard in). After removing these the keyboard will lift straight up, use the small flat screwdriver to pull up the cable holding the keyboard down. Now the keyboard will be free to take out of the system.
Sit the keyboard with it's screws aside as well.
LCD display: 3) With the keyboard up you can go ahead and remove the cable going from the LCD to the motherboard... pull straight up and pull the tape us as well. Next there are 6 screws holding the LCD to the system. 2 on each side above where the keyboard was going through the silver square hinge piece, and 2 on the back of the system (1 on each side). Extend the LCD 90 degrees with the laptop. Remove the 2 screws on each side (4 total). Then remove the 2 on the back (1 on each side directly under the hinges you just removed the other screws from). The LCD will lift straight up off of the frame. Make sure it stays at 90 degrees, as it is a headache to get to the screwholes if it is not.
Sit the LCD and screws for it aside in a sepearate pile.
Metal Motherboard Cover: 4) There is one screw (close to the middle of the system) holding in the metal cover (under where the keyboard was) on top of the motherboard. Remove that one screw and that whole panel will lift up.
Put that and it's screw to the side.
Video Card: 5) Now we are working with just the shell. First remove the video card. It is in the middle of the system, where the LCD cable connected. One screw on top of the card, and one below. There is another screw in the middle left of the video card, but you do not have to remove it. After removing the two screws use the flathead to pop up the videocard. Remove it and set it to the side.
Palmrest/top plastics: 6) Next is the palmrest. Turn the system over... there are many screwholes on the bottom of the system. Remove every screw in the bottom of the system (10-15). Then there is one silver screw (on the edge of where the CD rom drive came out of)... Turn the system back right side up and remove 2 more smaller screws below the ridge where you lifted out the LCD. After removing the 2 small screws, the 1 silver one, and all the others on bottom... the palmrest and top plastic piece will lift straight up off of the system. Just remove the cable running from the bottom of the palmrest to the motherboard.
Set it and all of it's screws to the side... do not jumble it with the other stuff you have removed.
Motherboard: 7) Next is the motherboard. Remove the following:
--- 1 screw holding the silver heatsink in below where the video card was.
--- 2 screws holding a green block to the system on the left side of the laptop. If has a cable going to it. Do not disconnect the cable, just push the block out to the outside of the system after removing the 2 small screws.
--- On the left side you have 5 screws on the metal grilles. They are labeled on the holes as ... 1,2 and then above 1,2,3. Remove all 5 of these.
--- There is 1 last screw, it is on the long purple plastic grille piece on the right. Remove it and lift the plastic grille of of the motherboard.
--- Using a socket, or pliars ... remove the 2 circular screws from the back of the system going around the video port. They are where a monitor will plug in and screw in to hold the cable in place.
--- remove the processor and heatsink from the motherboard. Use the phillips and unscrew the 4 screws holding the heatsink on. The screws do not come off, they just loosen. Remove the heatsink... then use a flathead to move the CPU screw to the "unlocked" position. Pull the CPU straight up and off the motherboard.
Now lift the motherboard out of the system.
To install just do these instructions in reverse. It may sound complicated, but you will see every piece I am talking about once you get going.