Wayne Atkinson
I've been given a nice Compaq V900 monitor, but it has an intermittent fault
which I've traced to a broken wire in the signal cable.This break is close
to the point of insertion into the monitor near the "choke"? that surrounds
each end of the cable. I've got an "electrical" background and a decent
soldering station, so can anyone say if it's a difficult job to replace the
cable, and how necessary is the choke, i.e.., can I cut it off and re-join
the same (shortened) cable?
which I've traced to a broken wire in the signal cable.This break is close
to the point of insertion into the monitor near the "choke"? that surrounds
each end of the cable. I've got an "electrical" background and a decent
soldering station, so can anyone say if it's a difficult job to replace the
cable, and how necessary is the choke, i.e.., can I cut it off and re-join
the same (shortened) cable?