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I need to use a stream that I can configur to replace some input
string with another. It is probably not very difficult to do but I
can't imagine that this has not been written dozens of times before.
However I can't find something like it on the internet. Does anyone
know of such an example or has code? Or should I be creating an
impelementation of TextWriter/Reader in stead of of Stream?

To make my self more clear, for instance you should be able to replace
all occurences of "wrongstring" with "rightstring". I think at least
this would requiring buffering, because you can't tell whether you
must replace untill all the bytes of the "wrongstring" have been read.

What I am doing now as a workaround is reading the stream into a
string, do a replace on that string and create a stream again to be
read base on that string. But this is not the most elegant and
performing way:

string _strXml = null;
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(stream))
_strXml = tr.ReadToEnd();
_strXml = _strXml.Replace(wrongstring,rightstring);

using (StringReader _stringReader = new StringReader(_strXml))
{ etc...
I'm sorry for the lack of replies. I myself didn't even notice your
message until your third post, for some reason. Anyway, not sure I have
any great answers, but here's a try...

To make my self more clear, for instance you should be able to replace
all occurences of "wrongstring" with "rightstring". I think at least
this would requiring buffering, because you can't tell whether you
must replace untill all the bytes of the "wrongstring" have been read.

What I am doing now as a workaround is reading the stream into a
string, do a replace on that string and create a stream again to be
read base on that string. But this is not the most elegant and
performing way:

string _strXml = null;
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(stream))
_strXml = tr.ReadToEnd();
_strXml = _strXml.Replace(wrongstring,rightstring);

Well, how long as these streams going to be? Can you read the entire
stream immediately, or will there be a delay? If there's a delay, is it
okay for the new stream to not be available until the original stream
has been entirely read?

Whatever the answers to those questions, if the answers don't suggest a
fundamental problem with the technique you're using, it may in fact be
the best choice. The code is simple and easy to read, and I don't think
performance should be too bad. The only real downsides I see are that
you need the entire stream in memory first, and the output stream cannot
even be started until the input stream is finished. If those aren't
actually problems for your scenario, I'd say you're done. :)

If those are problems, and you are looking just for a single string, it
seems to me that you could just read the stream one character at a time,
checking to see if it matches the current character in your search
string. You'd update the current character in the search string
according to whether it matches; for a match, you'd increment by one,
for a non-match you'd reset to the first character.

Anywhere in the stream when you have a potential match, you'd delay
output of the data to the new stream until you've resolved the match,
either by finding a character that doesn't match or by reaching the end
of the search string having successfully matched all characters.

If it was an unsuccessful match, then you'd just emit the first
character that hadn't already been sent to the output stream and start
the search again at the next character (you need to do that, in case
there are repeated characters or strings in your search string, so that
if you hit, for example, "aaabb" when you're looking for "aabb" you
don't wind up missing the matching pattern because you'd already
consumed "aaa" by the time you figured out the match didn't start at the
first "a"...if you have special knowledge of the input and search
strings, you may be able to avoid having to reprocess characters).

If you have multiple search strings you want to process all at the same
time, you might consider a state graph, built based on the search
strings (i.e. using the characters in the strings to define the links
between the graph nodes), and using the input characters to traverse the
graph. You could still do multiple search strings using a variation of
the previous method I describe, but if you understand a state graph, the
implementation is more straightforward IMHO using one, than if you wrote
the code to keep track of which string you're trying to match,
especially if there's the potential for any overlap between strings (for
example, if you could be looking for "abc" and "abd" at the same time).

Note that the logic to do the searching is somewhat independent of how
to deal with the streams. However you do the search, you can either
just build the search into whatever processing you already have for the
input stream or you could, as it appears you're at least considering,
create a new Stream-based class that filters the input data as it goes

How best to implement a custom Stream class depends on how exactly you
want to use it. In fact, you might find that if you're specifically
dealing with string data, it might make more sense to create a custom
TextReader-based class instead. You could even derive from, for
example, StreamReader, and just override the specific methods that
handle reading from the stream. That way you don't have to bother
implementing behaviors that are fine as is (like managing the buffering,
positioning, etc.)

So, it seems you've really asked two questions: how to filter the data,
and how to create a custom stream class. Hopefully there's some useful
info above.

Wow Pete,

Thanks for all this work just to answer my question. I'm glad to hear
that for simple cases my approach is perhaps not as rude as I thought.
However when I find some time in my project, I consider to take the
approach you gave for replacing just one string. It both saves 1 extra
pass through the bytes as well as writing the complete stream to

Thanks again,