Replacement for Recordset Bookmark?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wayne Wengert
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Wayne Wengert

In VB6/ADO I used to use the code below to put all the records that did not
have a valid email address into an array which I used later to print mailing
labels. I am not aware of a NET equivalent. What is the right way to
approach this in NET?


varSentToCount = 0 'Count of recipients

varBookmarkCount = 0 'Count or entries with no Email address


Do Until myRS2.EOF

If InStr(myRS2!Email, "@") > 0 Then 'See if there is an Email address

arySendTo(varSentToCount) = Trim(myRS2!Email)

varSentToCount = varSentToCount + 1

Else ' No email addr

arytmp(varBookmarkCount) = myRS2.Bookmark

varBookmarkCount = varBookmarkCount + 1

If varBookmarkCount > 248 Then

MsgBox("Too many invalid email addresses to process!", vbOKOnly, "Too many
missing email addresses!")

GoTo ExitEmailSub

End If

End If


Hi Wayne,

Are you using a recordset in or something else, when you use the
recordset than it is the same because the recordset is ADO, not really

The only thing is that your code looks a little bit classic, by not
declaring the value types and using goto ExitMailSub in stead of Exit Sub.
For the rest I would not see what needs to change when you are keep using
the recordset. (Where I advice to use the dataset).

I hope this helps?

Thanks for the response. In VB.NET I use datasets so the bookmark is not
there.. Most of my declarations are at the head of the Sub - I didn't
include all the code in the post.

My code is less than optimal but the reason for the GoTo was that I have all
the code to close the recordset, set objects to nothing and such in that
area. Hopefully, my new VB.NET code will be better.

Hi Wayne,

Looping through a dataset is even easier than through a recordset
for each dr as datarow in ds.tables(0).rows
if dr("myfield") = x then
'dosomething with the dr
for i as integer = 0 to ds.tables(0).rows.count-1
dim dr = ds.tables(0).row(i)
if dr("myfield") = x then

I hope this helps?