Thinking about replacing my X1900XT 256MB with a 8800GTS 640MB in a X2
3800+ rig. Will the performance gain be significant? Or will it just be
marginal and the ability to play DX10 games in Vista?
Here's my current setup:
Asrock 939 Dual-Sata 2
X2 3800+
X1900XT 256MB
2GB Crucial Memory
'san antonio apartment search' (http://www.sanantonioapartmentsnow.com)
'wall fountain outdoor' (http://www.fountainspirit.com)
3800+ rig. Will the performance gain be significant? Or will it just be
marginal and the ability to play DX10 games in Vista?
Here's my current setup:
Asrock 939 Dual-Sata 2
X2 3800+
X1900XT 256MB
2GB Crucial Memory
'san antonio apartment search' (http://www.sanantonioapartmentsnow.com)
'wall fountain outdoor' (http://www.fountainspirit.com)