But then it's not replacing the Windows GUI Copy or Move context menu
items is it. That's what I asked for... Something that will replace
the built in version of the commands.
Reread your original post. You weren't asking how to make Windows
Explorer perform the copy. You stated that you had Googled around
looking for 3rd party alternatives. You never declared that they had to
be GUI utilities so dummies could use them (many seem to require a GUI
interface to specify options that can just as easily be specified in a
command line - just because that's the only user interface those users
It may help copy files when some may not work, but it doesn't answer
my question at all.
"Are there any GOOD file copy utilities out there that I can use to
the XP file copy? "
My answer was that you don't have to REPLACE "the XP file copy" (which
was never defined as Windows Explorer, the 'copy' DOS command, or what).
Just use Xcopy that's already available.
What I want to do is copy ? of files from one USB drive to another USB
drive. I want to keep the directory structure intact. I want to know
what files could not be copied and WHY (Path too long, CRC errors,
file in use). This will literally take HOURS to finish, so I want it
to go as fast as possible and don't want it to pause for any reason
until it's done.
As mentioned, run:
xcopy sourcespec [targetspec] > [path]logfile.txt
Walk away and when it completes you can look at the logfile.txt file
(add a path if you want it saved somewhere other than the default
directory from where you run the xcopy command in the DOS shell).
Pretty simple. Doesn't require Googling around for 3rd party
alternatives or installing anything new.
So... Can I go to My Computer, open the drive, CTRL-A, right-click,
"XCOPY", back to My Computer, right-click on drive #2 and "XPASTE"?
When it's done will it tell me WHY the files wouldn't copy?
Xcopy is a DOS command. That is, it issues its standard output to the
current shell's display (i.e., it is a console program). Xcopy is not a
GUI program with pretty windows and menu bars. Rather than having to
wade through menus to select a slew of options in a checkoff screen, you
simply run the program and specify the options using parameters. "xcopy
/?" tells you how to use the program (i.e., it even has its own help,
ta-da). If the buffer size for the DOS shell is huge then it might show
all of the output. Otherwise, and as shown, redirect stdout to a file
and then go use Notepad on the file when xcopy finishes.
I'm sure there are some GUI programs out there to do the same thing. I
don't bother looking for any since xcopy is already included with
Windows. xxcopy is a 3rd party program that has even more features but
it is also a console-mode program (a DOS program). Then there's
robocopy.exe which is included in the Windows NT Resource Kit but,
again, it is a console-mode program. I don't need GUI programs if DOS
programs do what I want, and you can redirect stdout if you want to
record the output of the program.
If you demand a 3rd party GUI application to do the copying that can
skip errors and report them then that is a different question that what
you asked. Someone else might make a suggestion for that additional