Can someone help me in this? I have a customer who wants 2 remote sites to
connect to each other via VPN but he does not want to use its standard
encryption algorithm. He wants to replce it with a custom algorithm that he
will provide. I 'm not sure if this is feasible or not but if anybody has any
information on this can he please tell me?
Aside from whether it's possible, is it even desirable?
Why does the customer believe that the standard algorithm is inferior to the
custom algorithm?
If the customer is good enough at cryptography to generate his own custom
algorithm (and chances are almost certain that he is not), shouldn't he know
enough about crypto to be able to find out how to do this replacement?
If the customer has had the crypto written by an outside source - the question
again comes - if the source is that good that they've written a better crypto,
why are they coming to you to ask how to interface it into the VPN?
My guess is that the customer believes that their use of a standard encryption
algorithm puts them at risk from people who know the algorithm. It may be
your best track to advise your customer that the crypto on his VPN is designed
to use a _public_ algorithm, with a _private_ key. The widely-spread
knowledge of the algorithm is a part of its security, not a reason to believe
it is unsecure.
One of the big rules of crypto is "never roll your own". I studied
Mathematics at Cambridge University (not for long enough to graduate, but
there you go), and I have studied cryptographic algorithms since then. I
still do not believe myself good enough at crypto to design my own algorithm
and believe it would be any better than 3DES.
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