replace 'alt + enter' key by single 'enter'

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I have to enter a lot of data in cells that need to break the line and I need
every time to use "alt + Enter".
I would like to be able to swap the "Enter" and the "Alt+Enter"
functionality, ie, exchange the key strokes but keep the functionality

Thanks for the tip

Hi Gerson,
That would be a very bad thing to do in my opinion.
Are you aware of Text Wrap using Format,cells, aligmnet, wrap text.

Thanks for your prompt reply, but unfortunately I think my question was not
understood, and the solution does not solve the problem.
I need to enter a lot of cells with info like this:
To be able to do the test, perform the following opperations:<nl>
1- stop server<nl>
2- connect the HW<nl>
3- start the server<nl>
After completion, set the register:<nl>
- to 1 if it is OK<nl>
- to 2 if it was not OK<nl>

As you can see, I have a lot of <nl> (Alt+Enter) in the text, and every time
I need to type ALT+ENTER, wich is anoying. I thought that Excel was smart
enought to change this behaviour in some way.

I found that I can deactivate the ENTER behaviour, by selecting
'tool,option,edit. move selection after enter' , but this does only part of
the job because after 'enter' the line is overwriten if a new is entered.
the right approach should be to add a new parameter: Direction = 'new line'
To move to other cells I can use the arrow keys.

Hi Gerson,
You can't intercept keystrokes.
What you could do is use another character and convert that
to CHR(10) using a macro afterwards for a large selection.
The keys I can think of (| or ^) are two key combinations just like Alt+Enter.

You will have to turn cell wrap on yourself preferably for entire column
since you won't have Alt+Enter doing that for you.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
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