I can't seem to find a good way to replace a \ with a _ in a string.
For example, I have the string 'A/E Group' I would like the VBA to return
A_E Group.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have.
Which is it, the "\" or the "/" you wish to replace?
How this is done is Access version dependent.
If you have Access 2000 or newer, in VBA:
[YourField] = Replace([YourField],"/","_")
You can use it in a Select query
Directly in a Control's Control Source it would be:
Note: If memory serves me well, in early versions of Access 2000 you
will have to place the Replace function in a module. Then call the
module function from the query. It will work just as well.
In Access 97 you would have to write a full User Defined function to
locate and replace the character. If you need help with that, post