Repetitive Shutdowns

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lee
  • Start date Start date


According to the error messages a device driver is
causing the perpetual and constant shut downs of my
computer. Just to be sure I did all the MSBLAST stuff
etc, but to no avail. I tried DLing all the service
patches and am rather sure I have but its hard when the
system won't stay up for long periods of time and when it
does I'm scrambling to try and backup. Did a Sys restore,
Chkdsk, and ATTEMPTED to format, to no avail. Whenever
format was attempted blue screen came up with a stop
message with something similier to 0x00000000 etc on it,
I have no idea how to fix this or what to do. Any
assistance would be a blessing

-----Original Message-----
According to the error messages a device driver is
causing the perpetual and constant shut downs of my
computer. Just to be sure I did all the MSBLAST stuff
etc, but to no avail. I tried DLing all the service
patches and am rather sure I have but its hard when the
system won't stay up for long periods of time and when it
does I'm scrambling to try and backup. Did a Sys restore,
Chkdsk, and ATTEMPTED to format, to no avail. Whenever
format was attempted blue screen came up with a stop
message with something similier to 0x00000000 etc on it,
I have no idea how to fix this or what to do. Any
assistance would be a blessing



Something like 0x00000000 etc isn't going to fix your
problem. You have to go get the exact error message and
then do a Microsoft Knowledge Base search for that
error. Pay attention to the part of the error message
that contains English words with an underscore seperating
the words. Searc the KB for that message. There you
will most likely find the solution to your problem.

M. Rife