Well, no sooner do I get one problem resolved than another raises it's head.
Here's a link to the results of a printer issue I've just developed. Epson
Stylus CX-5200. This is a blow up of a 2inch x 2inch printout.
It's not random, see how the pattern repeats itself? It does this on
successive printouts. But it only does this on the black ink. (??) When I
tried to go through the head alignment process, when it got to alignment
test #2, where it asks you to see which of several sets of gray blocks
overlaps the least without leaving space in between, the top of each set of
blocks was fine, but the bottom one has streaks in it.
Any ideas what causes this?
Thanks for all input.
Here's a link to the results of a printer issue I've just developed. Epson
Stylus CX-5200. This is a blow up of a 2inch x 2inch printout.
It's not random, see how the pattern repeats itself? It does this on
successive printouts. But it only does this on the black ink. (??) When I
tried to go through the head alignment process, when it got to alignment
test #2, where it asks you to see which of several sets of gray blocks
overlaps the least without leaving space in between, the top of each set of
blocks was fine, but the bottom one has streaks in it.
Any ideas what causes this?
Thanks for all input.