I work in a public school and therefore have a unique schedule. First I deal
with 43 minute blocks of times for meetings. I have worked around this by
scheduling recurrent free time for 43 minute periods.
My other challenge is a four-day cycle in a 5-day week work. I have
repeating classes on an A day, B day, C day, and D day. How can I repeat a
class in the four-day cycle?
Thank you for any help. Maryanne
with 43 minute blocks of times for meetings. I have worked around this by
scheduling recurrent free time for 43 minute periods.
My other challenge is a four-day cycle in a 5-day week work. I have
repeating classes on an A day, B day, C day, and D day. How can I repeat a
class in the four-day cycle?
Thank you for any help. Maryanne