Repeating Keystrokes and Beeps from System Speaker

  • Thread starter Thread starter Damaeus
  • Start date Start date


Occasionally I'll be typing along and suddenly the last 20 or 25 keystrokes
I've made will repeat themselves, the system speaker beeps like crazy, and
then I can no longer use the keyboard. A reboot temporarily corrects the
problem, but whether it's 30 minutes or two days, eventually it will happen

I've never had this kind of thing happen before and I wondered what might
be going on. System info is in my sig.


Homebuilt PC - Antec SX1030B Case | OS - Microsoft Windows XP Home SP-1
Motherboard - Abit NF7 2.0 | Browser - Firefox
PSU - 500 watts | Browser (Backup) - IE 6.0 SP-1
1024 MB PC3200 DDR400 SD-RAM | HTML - Macromedia Studio MX 2004
| Dreamweaver MX 2004
| Fireworks MX 2004
AMD Athlon XP 3200+ w/400MHz FSB | Flash MX 2004
Never Overclocked | Homesite + 5.5
AMD Heatsink & Fan | Freehand MXa 11.0.2
| ColdFusion MX
Hard Drives | Mail/News - Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
Master - WD800JBRTL 80GB ATA100 | Instant Msg - Trillian Pro 2.013
Slave - Maxtor 30GB ATA-66 | Media - WinAmp 5.01
GeForce 6800 GT Graphics Card | Media - RealOne 2.0 build
Driver: 61.77 nVidia Reference | Media - Windows MP
256MB Video DDR2 SDRAM / AGP | Visual Basic 6.0 Learning Edition
Display 1600 x 1200 @ 75Hz | WordProc - MS Office 97
Modem - DSI DI3635 v.90 Voice/Fax | Financial - MS Money 2003
Mouse - Logitech Optical Mouseman | ImgEdit - Paint Shop Pro 8.01
Microsoft Keyboard (Contoured) |
Monitor - NEC FP2141SB 22" Multisy |=====================================
SBLive Platinum 5.1 - LiveDrive II | F U T U R E U P G R A D E S
Speakers - Altec Lansing 5.1 |-------------------------------------
MIDI Key - M-Audio Keystation 61es | Abit NF8 w/ AMD Athlon 64 3200
Printer - Xerox Workcentre XE80 |
Video Capt - Hauppauge WinTV 404 | Add 500 GB of SATA HD Capacity
Scann - Visioneer OneTouch 9120USB | Replace Beige contoured keyboard
UPS - Belkin F6C100-UNV 1000VA 75m | with a black contoured one.
CD-RW - Aopen 52/32/52 |
CD-RW/DVD - Toshiba SD-R1002 |
Gravis XTerminator Digital Gamepad |
Damaeus said:
Occasionally I'll be typing along and suddenly the last 20 or 25 keystrokes
I've made will repeat themselves, the system speaker beeps like crazy, and
then I can no longer use the keyboard. A reboot temporarily corrects the
problem, but whether it's 30 minutes or two days, eventually it will happen

I've never had this kind of thing happen before and I wondered what might
be going on. System info is in my sig.


This is exactly what happens if you have a stuck key on your keyboard.
Try a different keyboard.


no- said:
Occasionally I'll be typing along and suddenly the last 20 or 25 keystrokes
I've made will repeat themselves, the system speaker beeps like crazy, and
then I can no longer use the keyboard. A reboot temporarily corrects the
problem, but whether it's 30 minutes or two days, eventually it will happen

I've never had this kind of thing happen before and I wondered what might
be going on. System info is in my sig.


Could be you've got a key sticking somewhere. Have you tried a
different keyboard?
In Peter
Could be you've got a key sticking somewhere. Have you tried a
different keyboard?

Thanks for your responses, Bill and Peter. Yes, I was having this problem
with an old keyboard and I replaced it with a new one, but the problem is
still there. And by repeating keystrokes, I'm not talking about something


I'm talking about something like this:

I'm talking about something like this:I'm talking about something like
this:I'm talking about something like this:I'm talking about something like
this:I'm talking about something like this:I'm talking about something like
this:I'm talking about something like this:I'm talking about something like
this:I'm talking about something like this:I'm talking about something like
this:I'm talking about something like this:

It's the last 25 or so keystrokes that repeat, not just one.

It's quite annoying because I play Final Fantasy XI Online, and when I'm in
a party for other players and this happens, all I'm able to do is log out.
I can't even tell them why I'm logging out, and I'm sure it looks rude from
their end. When I log back in, sometimes they replaced me, and of course,
that makes it hard to level my character. But don't get the idea that this
only happens in Final Fantasy. It also happens in regular desktop programs
like text editors.

I went into the keyboard settings and tried lengthening the delay for
beginning the keystroke repeats and I slowed the repeat rate, but that
didn't fix the problem, either. The BIOS I have is the latest one
available. I just wish I could find more people with this problem, but it
seems kind of rare.

Damaeus said:

That made a lot of sense to me too. Apparently it's overflowing the
keyboard buffer or whatever, which produces that sound.
Thanks for your responses, Bill and Peter. Yes, I was having this
problem with an old keyboard and I replaced it with a new one, but
the problem is still there. And by repeating keystrokes, I'm not
talking about something like:


I'm talking about something like this:

I'm talking about something like this:I'm talking about something
like this:I'm talking about something like this:I'm talking about
something like this:I'm talking about something like this:I'm
talking about something like this:I'm talking about something like
this:I'm talking about something like this:I'm talking about
something like this:I'm talking about something like this:I'm
talking about something like this:

It's the last 25 or so keystrokes that repeat, not just one.

It's quite annoying because I play Final Fantasy XI Online...
It also happens in regular desktop programs like text editors.

I went into the keyboard settings and tried lengthening the delay
for beginning the keystroke repeats and I slowed the repeat rate,
but that didn't fix the problem, either. The BIOS I have is the
latest one available. I just wish I could find more people with
this problem, but it seems kind of rare.

I have been playing with Windows input and output for years,
currently messing around with my macro recorder.

Are you doing scripting with Visual Basic?

I would suspect macroing software, like for your mouse or keyboard
or like a stand-alone macroing program. Maybe you use a macroer for
Final Fantasy?

Why haven't you upgraded to Windows XP service pack 2?

Next time you list system information, you might want to be concise.
The "future upgrades" isn't useful information IMO. I am not
complaining, the information you listed is a lot better than

Good luck.
That made a lot of sense to me too. Apparently it's overflowing the
keyboard buffer or whatever, which produces that sound.

Probably just hopeful thinking on my part, but I disabled the startup of a
few programs using MSCONFIG, and so far I haven't had this problem again,
but it's only been six hours. I'm giving it more time before I break out
the champagne.
I have been playing with Windows input and output for years,
currently messing around with my macro recorder.

Are you doing scripting with Visual Basic?

I would suspect macroing software, like for your mouse or keyboard
or like a stand-alone macroing program. Maybe you use a macroer for
Final Fantasy?

Final Fantasy has an internal macro system which you program by typing
commands in sequence, but it doesn't allow you to record macros as you use
the commands. Up to six commands can be included in one macro and there
are ten sets of 20 macros.
Why haven't you upgraded to Windows XP service pack 2?

I did that some time ago, but something wasn't working right on my PC after
the upgrade and it seemed to be a rather unique problem. Not being able to
find help, I simply downgraded to SP1. But I've since reinstalled WinXP on
a clean drive, so SP-2 has never touched this installation.
Next time you list system information, you might want to be concise.
The "future upgrades" isn't useful information IMO. I am not
complaining, the information you listed is a lot better than

I selected the wrong sig. That was more informative than I wanted it to

Homebuilt PC - Antec SX1030B Case | OS - Microsoft Windows XP Home SP-1
Motherboard - Abit NF7 2.0 | Browser - Firefox
PSU - 500 watts | Browser (Backup) - IE 6.0 SP-1
1024 MB PC3200 DDR400 SD-RAM | HTML - Macromedia Studio MX 2004
| Dreamweaver MX 2004
| Fireworks MX 2004
AMD Athlon XP 3200+ w/400MHz FSB | Flash MX 2004
Never Overclocked | Homesite + 5.5
AMD Heatsink & Fan | Freehand MXa 11.0.2
| ColdFusion MX
Hard Drives | Mail/News - Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
Master - WD800JBRTL 80GB ATA100 | Instant Msg - Trillian Pro 2.013
Slave - Maxtor 30GB ATA-66 | Media - WinAmp 5.01
GeForce 6800 GT Graphics Card | Media - RealOne 2.0 build
Driver: 61.77 nVidia Reference | Media - Windows MP
256MB Video DDR2 SDRAM / AGP | Visual Basic 6.0 Learning Edition
Display 1600 x 1200 @ 75Hz | WordProc - MS Office 97
Modem - DSI DI3635 v.90 Voice/Fax | Financial - MS Money 2003
Mouse - Logitech Optical Mouseman | ImgEdit - Paint Shop Pro 8.01
Microsoft Keyboard (Contoured) |
Monitor - NEC FP2141SB 22" Multisy |=====================================
SBLive Platinum 5.1 - LiveDrive II | F U T U R E U P G R A D E S
Speakers - Altec Lansing 5.1 |-------------------------------------
MIDI Key - M-Audio Keystation 61es | Abit NF8 w/ AMD Athlon 64 3200
Printer - Xerox Workcentre XE80 |
Video Capt - Hauppauge WinTV 404 | Add 500 GB of SATA HD Capacity
Scann - Visioneer OneTouch 9120USB | Replace Beige contoured keyboard
UPS - Belkin F6C100-UNV 1000VA 75m | with a black contoured one.
CD-RW - Aopen 52/32/52 |
CD-RW/DVD - Toshiba SD-R1002 |
Gravis XTerminator Digital Gamepad |