patti said:
Oh, i back up. to ext hd and to online site. I just was stupid with some
I was hoping to learn more about file system and repairs. I am a
tech-curious girl. Can you recommend any sites/books where i could educate
myself on the issue of this corruption?
Thanks, Bob I and everyone.
Nearly needless to say there's an enormous amount of material on the net and
in books that deals with file systems, data recovery, repairs of the
operating system (OS), etc. It's really difficult, if not impossible, to
point you to one, two, or three sources that will meet your individual
needs. My only suggestion would be to use a Google search to peruse the
websites that deal with such matters. Also, peruse the offerings in the
computer section of your local book store.
But the *real* reason for my post is to encourage you to seriously consider
employing a disk-imaging or disk-cloning program that's designed to back up
your system in a comprehensive manner. It's fine (as you have indicated) to
back up user-created data to an external destination of one sort or another
and to do so "on-the-fly" so to speak. But for the great majority of PC
users it's equally (if not more) important to back up one's *complete*
system, including the OS, all one's programs & applications, user
configurations, and of course, all user-created data. In other words create
& maintain what amounts to a precise copy of one's day-to-day working hard
drive (HDD).
As I've indicated, you can do this using a disk-imaging or disk-cloning
program. And if you employ such a program on a relatively frequent basis (as
you should) you can feel reasonably assured that should your source HDD fail
or should the OS become so corrupt that the system will not boot or properly
function, you will have the wherewithal to restore your system to a
bootable, functional state with a minimum of fuss & time.
There are myriad such programs available - both free & commercial products.
Our particular favorite is the Casper disk-cloning (commercial) program and
we strongly recommend this program for the large body of PC users. If you're
interested I'll post details about the program and why we prefer it as a
comprehensive backup program.