Repair Windows Explorer

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My Windows Exploerer (My Computer) has been acting strangely lately, such as
taking a long time to load up the folder tree and content, cannot do file
search, etc. Is there a way to either reinstall or do a general repair?
mc said:
My Windows Exploerer (My Computer) has been acting strangely lately, such as
taking a long time to load up the folder tree and content, cannot do file
search, etc. Is there a way to either reinstall or do a general repair?
Ace, I didn't see any explanation. The subject has interest for me too.
Could you reply again?
Thanks, Dar
SI also have interest in how to repair Explorer. Attempts to open files via
Windows Explorer tree or Start/My Docs, Start/My Computer, Start/anything,
results in a Windows Explorer error, and crash of the process. Also, I my
Search (ie, Find Files) no longer works.

This just started happening in the past few weeks. I can only access my
files by opening the appilcation first (Word, Adobe, Excel) and doing a