When I built my current computer, the one I'm using to post this
message, I bought duplicate parts and built a second computer. For ease
of discussion, the original computer is #1 and the second computer is #2.
I have cloned the two hard drives from #1 and put them into #2. It works
but there are some hardware differences between #1 and #2 so #2 wants to
be authenticated, etc but I don't want to do that. I want to be able to
use both computers.
If I buy Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP3 OEM can I use that disk
to basically install that version onto hard drive #2 without losing
everything on HD #2?
According to the following web page, what I want to do is possible:
Is the information on the above web page correct?
message, I bought duplicate parts and built a second computer. For ease
of discussion, the original computer is #1 and the second computer is #2.
I have cloned the two hard drives from #1 and put them into #2. It works
but there are some hardware differences between #1 and #2 so #2 wants to
be authenticated, etc but I don't want to do that. I want to be able to
use both computers.
If I buy Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP3 OEM can I use that disk
to basically install that version onto hard drive #2 without losing
everything on HD #2?
According to the following web page, what I want to do is possible:
Is the information on the above web page correct?