Sarah said:
How do I reorder fields in a table without losing data by copying / pasting?
First, back up your database.
Then open the table in design view.
Click in the selection area to the left of the field you want to move,
so that it it highlighted.
With it still highlighted, click again on the selection area and drag it
up or down to where you'd like it to be.
Save the table; when you open it you should see the fields in the
desired order.
You could also achieve this by creating a query which has the fields in
the desired order, which means you could be viewing them in more than
one order (more than one query). Many people would believe that this
makes more sense: that you should use queries (plus forms, reports) to
manage the presentation of your data and that it shouldn't matter how
things are laid out in the table, provided they are properly "normalised".
Phil, London