Reopen Form

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Hi! I have a form that when it is opened two input boxes pop up, one to set
the default for the DateAssigned textbox and another to set the default for
the PHCOClass textbox. The problem is after I have entered what I need under
the DateAssigned and PHCOClass and want to do another I haveto close out and
come back in. Is it possible to have button that will basically close the
form and immediately reopen it? Any help would be appreciated!
You should not have to close and open the form. I think your form design
needs some rethinking. I answered your post on the PHCOCLASS, so I think I
see your problem.
I assumed when you wrote the post there was a good reason for getting the
PHCOCLASS in the Open event of the form. Now, I doubt it. Is this form
bound or unbound? Why can't you just put the default text boxes on the form
so you can change it whenevery you need to?

Hi! Thank you for your post in my question earlier. This is a bound
form (if I have the correct understanding of bound). It is a data entry form
used to enter PHCOClass, DatePremiumPercentAssigned, Relationship
(Employee,Spouse, First Child, etc.) and PremiumPercent in
tblPremiumPercents. The reason I want to set default for the PHCOClass
textbox (and DatePremiumPercentsAssigned textbox) is because my user has to
enter 7 Relationships and PremiumPercents I thought it would be easier for
them is the PHCOClass and DatePremiumPercentsAssigned where already fill in
that way they didn't have to enter them 7 times. That was my logic. :s
Okay, we can do that!
By bound form, I mean your form has a record source, either a table or a
query, and each control (text box, etc.) has a control source (a field in the
record source).
If you are with me so far, this should solve your problem:

Create two text boxes for the values you want repeated, but don't assign
them any control source. That make them unbound controls. Their values will
not change until the user manually changes them. Then you can reference
these controls to put the values in whereever you need them.