I have a XML file as below
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<ID_BorrowerID value = "BO_1"/>
<BOCO_REOPropertiesNo value = "1"/>
<BN_LastName value = "TESTCO"/>
<BN_FirstName value = "NHI"/>
<BN_FullName value = "NHI TESTCO"/>
<BC_HomePhoneNumber value = "5525235515"/>
<BP_SSNo value = "SS000158634"/>
<BP_ApplicantType value = "Applicant"/>
<BP_Citizenship value = "USCitizen"/>
<BP_EntityType value = "Individual"/>
<BP_MaritalStatus value = "Married"/>
<BP_BorrowerAge value = "37"/>
<BP_DependentsNo value = "0"/>
<BP_IsPrimaryBorrower value = "Y"/>
<BP_YearsInCurrentProfession value = "0"/>
<BP_EmploymentGaps value = "0"/>
<BP_ResidualIncomeAmount value = "4363.74"/>
<BD_HasIntentToOccupy value = "Y"/>
<BD_HasDeclaredBankruptcy value = "N"/>
<BD_HasForeclosure value = "N"/>
<BD_HasOwnershipInterest value = "Y"/>
<BD_TypeOfPropertyOwned value = "Primary Residence"/>
<BD_HowTitleWasHeld value = "Sole"/>
<BD_HasSupportObligations value = "N"/>
<BD_HasJudgments value = "N"/>
<BD_IsPartyToLawSuit value = "N"/>
<BD_HasLoanObligations value = "N"/>
<BD_HasCurrentFederalDelinquency value = "N"/>
<BD_IsPartDownPaymentBorrowed value = "N"/>
<BD_IsEndorserOnAnyNote value = "N"/>
<BR_OwnOrRent value = "Rent"/>
<BR_ResidenceType value = "Current"/>
<BR_MonthsInResidency value = "84"/>
<ID_IncomeID value = "IN_1_1"/>
<IN_Type value = "Social Security"/>
<IN_MonthlyAmount value = "4500"/>
<IN_IsTaxFree value = "Y"/>
<ID_IncomeReference value = "IN_1_1"/>
<EM_IsSelfEmployed value = "N"/>
<EM_IsWageEarner value = "N"/>
<EM_IsCurrentJob value = "Y"/>
<EM_IsPrimaryJob value = "Y"/>
<EM_MonthsOnJob value = "0"/>
<ID_PropertyID value = "PR_1_1"/>
<PD_PropertyType value = "SF Detached"/>
<PD_PropertyStatus value = "Refinance"/>
<PD_IsCurrentResidence value = "Y"/>
<PD_IsSubjectProperty value = "Y"/>
<SU_Residency value = "Primary Residence"/>
<SU_UnitsNo value = "1"/>
<SU_AppraisedValue value = "320000"/>
<SU_AppraisedDate value = "10/1/2004"/>
<SU_EstimatedValue value = "320000"/>
<SU_EstateHeld value = "Fee Simple"/>
<SU_MonthlyExpenses value = "1716.26"/>
<SU_IsRural value = "N"/>
<AD_AddressOf value = "Subject"/>
<AD_Address value = "331 BOUNDARY S ST "/>
<AD_CityName value = "SAN DIEGO"/>
<AD_StateCode value = "CA"/>
<AD_ZipCode5 value = "92104"/>
<AD_Area value = "CA"/>
<ID_LienID value = "LN_1_1"/>
<LC_TradelineRef value = "1"/>
<LP_LienPosition value = "1"/>
<LP_IsNew value = "N"/>
<LP_LoanType value = "Conventional"/>
<LP_LoanNumber value = "3331191433682"/>
<LP_IsToBePaidOff value = "Y"/>
<LP_LienHolder value = "Test HOME"/>
<MD_LienAmount value = "0"/>
<MD_MonthlyPayment value = "855"/>
<MD_RemainingBalance value = "238750"/>
<ID_BorrowerReference value = "BO_1"/>
I want to render it in a form (like an editable form with textboxes) and the
save button at the bottom.
I am using c# any ideas ..... The above xml can be considered as name value
pair so the rendered form would have label for each field (non editable) and
the corresponding value as text box editable
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<ID_BorrowerID value = "BO_1"/>
<BOCO_REOPropertiesNo value = "1"/>
<BN_LastName value = "TESTCO"/>
<BN_FirstName value = "NHI"/>
<BN_FullName value = "NHI TESTCO"/>
<BC_HomePhoneNumber value = "5525235515"/>
<BP_SSNo value = "SS000158634"/>
<BP_ApplicantType value = "Applicant"/>
<BP_Citizenship value = "USCitizen"/>
<BP_EntityType value = "Individual"/>
<BP_MaritalStatus value = "Married"/>
<BP_BorrowerAge value = "37"/>
<BP_DependentsNo value = "0"/>
<BP_IsPrimaryBorrower value = "Y"/>
<BP_YearsInCurrentProfession value = "0"/>
<BP_EmploymentGaps value = "0"/>
<BP_ResidualIncomeAmount value = "4363.74"/>
<BD_HasIntentToOccupy value = "Y"/>
<BD_HasDeclaredBankruptcy value = "N"/>
<BD_HasForeclosure value = "N"/>
<BD_HasOwnershipInterest value = "Y"/>
<BD_TypeOfPropertyOwned value = "Primary Residence"/>
<BD_HowTitleWasHeld value = "Sole"/>
<BD_HasSupportObligations value = "N"/>
<BD_HasJudgments value = "N"/>
<BD_IsPartyToLawSuit value = "N"/>
<BD_HasLoanObligations value = "N"/>
<BD_HasCurrentFederalDelinquency value = "N"/>
<BD_IsPartDownPaymentBorrowed value = "N"/>
<BD_IsEndorserOnAnyNote value = "N"/>
<BR_OwnOrRent value = "Rent"/>
<BR_ResidenceType value = "Current"/>
<BR_MonthsInResidency value = "84"/>
<ID_IncomeID value = "IN_1_1"/>
<IN_Type value = "Social Security"/>
<IN_MonthlyAmount value = "4500"/>
<IN_IsTaxFree value = "Y"/>
<ID_IncomeReference value = "IN_1_1"/>
<EM_IsSelfEmployed value = "N"/>
<EM_IsWageEarner value = "N"/>
<EM_IsCurrentJob value = "Y"/>
<EM_IsPrimaryJob value = "Y"/>
<EM_MonthsOnJob value = "0"/>
<ID_PropertyID value = "PR_1_1"/>
<PD_PropertyType value = "SF Detached"/>
<PD_PropertyStatus value = "Refinance"/>
<PD_IsCurrentResidence value = "Y"/>
<PD_IsSubjectProperty value = "Y"/>
<SU_Residency value = "Primary Residence"/>
<SU_UnitsNo value = "1"/>
<SU_AppraisedValue value = "320000"/>
<SU_AppraisedDate value = "10/1/2004"/>
<SU_EstimatedValue value = "320000"/>
<SU_EstateHeld value = "Fee Simple"/>
<SU_MonthlyExpenses value = "1716.26"/>
<SU_IsRural value = "N"/>
<AD_AddressOf value = "Subject"/>
<AD_Address value = "331 BOUNDARY S ST "/>
<AD_CityName value = "SAN DIEGO"/>
<AD_StateCode value = "CA"/>
<AD_ZipCode5 value = "92104"/>
<AD_Area value = "CA"/>
<ID_LienID value = "LN_1_1"/>
<LC_TradelineRef value = "1"/>
<LP_LienPosition value = "1"/>
<LP_IsNew value = "N"/>
<LP_LoanType value = "Conventional"/>
<LP_LoanNumber value = "3331191433682"/>
<LP_IsToBePaidOff value = "Y"/>
<LP_LienHolder value = "Test HOME"/>
<MD_LienAmount value = "0"/>
<MD_MonthlyPayment value = "855"/>
<MD_RemainingBalance value = "238750"/>
<ID_BorrowerReference value = "BO_1"/>
I want to render it in a form (like an editable form with textboxes) and the
save button at the bottom.
I am using c# any ideas ..... The above xml can be considered as name value
pair so the rendered form would have label for each field (non editable) and
the corresponding value as text box editable