Rendering HTML inside Windows Forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

May i know if there is any way by which we can render a
given HTML inside .NET Windows Forms?

We had the Web Browser controls in Visual Studio 6. Is
there a follow-up of that in VS.NET?

Most recently, HTML rendered dialog boxes seemms to be in
vogue. Can anyone please help?

Thanks so much in advance,
May i know if there is any way by which we can render a
given HTML inside .NET Windows Forms?

Yes, you will need to host the ActiveX based MS IE WebBrowser control
inside your WinForm - works okay, but it's a bit klunky at times....

These are the steps necessary:

1. Use the AxImp utility to create the .Net wrappers for the

aximp c:\winnt\system32\shdocvw.dll

AxImp is a utility contained in the .NET SDK, and would be installed
in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v1.1\Bin" (if you've installed
the SDK - if not, install it).

2. Place the two output files (shdocvw.dll and AxShDocVw.DLL) in the
folder where your .Net assemblies are located.

3. You can now add the "Microsoft WebBrowser" as a control to your
toolbox by browsing for the COM component in
Most recently, HTML rendered dialog boxes seemms to be in
vogue. Can anyone please help?

I myself would *never* use HTML to display a dialog box - use the IE
web control when you need to display a HTML file - but that's about
all I'd do.

Marc Scheuner May The Source Be With You!
Bern, Switzerland m.scheuner(at)