I have renamed query field headings with my own headings this way when
users export to excel the orginal database headings, which are
confusing, will not be displayed. but when i rename them and click the
export to excel button a input box appears, why would this be?
Here's query SQL that renames fields
SELECT tblAdagePaidDebits.gl_cmp_key AS Company,
tblAdagePaidDebits.so_brnch_key AS Branch,
tblAdagePaidDebits.en_vend_key AS [Vendor ID],
tblAdagePaidDebits.en_vend_name AS [Vendor Name],
tblAdagePaidDebits.in_type_key AS [Ingred/Pack],
tblAdagePaidDebits.in_item_key AS [Item Number],
tblAdagePaidDebits.in_desc AS [Item Desc],
tblAdagePaidDebits.po_dtl_uom AS UOM, tblAdagePaidDebits.in_comcd_key
AS Commodity, tblAdagePaidDebits.[Rec Date] AS [Year],
tblAdagePaidDebits.[SumOfActual Inv Quant] AS Quantity,
tblAdagePaidDebits.[SumOfAct Dom $ Spend] AS Spend,
tblAdagePaidDebits.en_phfmt_key AS Buyer, Date() AS [Date Downloaded]
FROM tblAdagePaidDebits;
Here is export to excel code
Private Sub Export_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Export_Click
Dim dbCurr As DAO.Database
Dim qdfTemp As DAO.QueryDef
Dim lngOrderBy As Long
Dim strQueryName As String
Dim strSQL As String
' You only need to go to this effort if there's a filter
If Len(Me.Filter) > 0 Then
Set dbCurr = CurrentDb
' Get the SQL for the existing query
strSQL = dbCurr.QueryDefs("3QryAdageVolumeSpendsum").SQL
' Check whether there's an ORDER BY clause in the SQL.
' If there is, we need to put the WHERE clause in front of it.
lngOrderBy = InStr(strSQL, "ORDER BY")
If lngOrderBy > 0 Then
strSQL = Left(strSQL, lngOrderBy - 1) & _
" WHERE " & Me.Filter & " " & _
Mid(strSQL, lngOrderBy)
' There's no ORDER BY in the SQL.
' Remove the semi-colon from the end, then append the WHERE clause
strSQL = Left(strSQL, InStr(strSQL, ";") - 1) & _
" WHERE " & Me.Filter
End If
' By using the current date and time, hopefully that means
' a query by that name won't already exist
strQueryName = "qryTemp" & Format(Now, "yyyymmddhhnnss")
' Create the temporary query
Set qdfTemp = dbCurr.CreateQueryDef(strQueryName, strSQL)
' Export the temporary query
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet transfertype:=acExport, _
spreadsheettype:=acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
tableName:=strQueryName, FileName:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\Adage Downloaded
On" & Format(Now, "mm" & "-" & "dd" & "-" & "yyyy" & "@" & "hh" &
"nn") & ".xls", _
' Delete the temporary query
dbCurr.QueryDefs.Delete strQueryName
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet transfertype:=acExport, _
spreadsheettype:=acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
tableName:=strQueryName, FileName:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\Adage Downloaded
On" & Format(Now, "mm" & "-" & "dd" & "-" & "yyyy" & "@" & "hh" &
"nn") & ".xls", _
End If
Set dbCurr = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Export_Click
End Sub
It's weird it used to work and now I get this input box. Any
suggestions? Thanks.
users export to excel the orginal database headings, which are
confusing, will not be displayed. but when i rename them and click the
export to excel button a input box appears, why would this be?
Here's query SQL that renames fields
SELECT tblAdagePaidDebits.gl_cmp_key AS Company,
tblAdagePaidDebits.so_brnch_key AS Branch,
tblAdagePaidDebits.en_vend_key AS [Vendor ID],
tblAdagePaidDebits.en_vend_name AS [Vendor Name],
tblAdagePaidDebits.in_type_key AS [Ingred/Pack],
tblAdagePaidDebits.in_item_key AS [Item Number],
tblAdagePaidDebits.in_desc AS [Item Desc],
tblAdagePaidDebits.po_dtl_uom AS UOM, tblAdagePaidDebits.in_comcd_key
AS Commodity, tblAdagePaidDebits.[Rec Date] AS [Year],
tblAdagePaidDebits.[SumOfActual Inv Quant] AS Quantity,
tblAdagePaidDebits.[SumOfAct Dom $ Spend] AS Spend,
tblAdagePaidDebits.en_phfmt_key AS Buyer, Date() AS [Date Downloaded]
FROM tblAdagePaidDebits;
Here is export to excel code
Private Sub Export_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Export_Click
Dim dbCurr As DAO.Database
Dim qdfTemp As DAO.QueryDef
Dim lngOrderBy As Long
Dim strQueryName As String
Dim strSQL As String
' You only need to go to this effort if there's a filter
If Len(Me.Filter) > 0 Then
Set dbCurr = CurrentDb
' Get the SQL for the existing query
strSQL = dbCurr.QueryDefs("3QryAdageVolumeSpendsum").SQL
' Check whether there's an ORDER BY clause in the SQL.
' If there is, we need to put the WHERE clause in front of it.
lngOrderBy = InStr(strSQL, "ORDER BY")
If lngOrderBy > 0 Then
strSQL = Left(strSQL, lngOrderBy - 1) & _
" WHERE " & Me.Filter & " " & _
Mid(strSQL, lngOrderBy)
' There's no ORDER BY in the SQL.
' Remove the semi-colon from the end, then append the WHERE clause
strSQL = Left(strSQL, InStr(strSQL, ";") - 1) & _
" WHERE " & Me.Filter
End If
' By using the current date and time, hopefully that means
' a query by that name won't already exist
strQueryName = "qryTemp" & Format(Now, "yyyymmddhhnnss")
' Create the temporary query
Set qdfTemp = dbCurr.CreateQueryDef(strQueryName, strSQL)
' Export the temporary query
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet transfertype:=acExport, _
spreadsheettype:=acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
tableName:=strQueryName, FileName:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\Adage Downloaded
On" & Format(Now, "mm" & "-" & "dd" & "-" & "yyyy" & "@" & "hh" &
"nn") & ".xls", _
' Delete the temporary query
dbCurr.QueryDefs.Delete strQueryName
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet transfertype:=acExport, _
spreadsheettype:=acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
tableName:=strQueryName, FileName:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\Adage Downloaded
On" & Format(Now, "mm" & "-" & "dd" & "-" & "yyyy" & "@" & "hh" &
"nn") & ".xls", _
End If
Set dbCurr = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Export_Click
End Sub
It's weird it used to work and now I get this input box. Any
suggestions? Thanks.