a better format, dd-mm-yyyy
i wrote fnc to keep some thousand camera images in order. so far it doesnt
read exifs, but i rename the images as soon as i download them from card to
disk, using the format, with possibility of beginning and
trailing text. _after_ which i use irfan's 'keep exif data' if i rotate
them, archive the originals, and work on copies.
i'm still working on fnc, but it does its dirty work. sample results, for
instance, in javalab (my dog's) section of the site, recent images.
if you try it (sorry, it needs install)
- fill some folders with dummy files and play with them at first... it
*does* rename...
- should you get an 'invalid filename' message, check your date settings, on
some machines i had to tune them via windows panel.