I would need to dynamically rename the tables with the user input
variables submitted by user via inputbox.
I tried approach from Excel, but syntax error has occured during
compilation in Access.
Any ideas. Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions.
Petr Duzbaba
Function rename_via_inputbox()
On Error GoTo Rename_rename_Err
Dim SegmInput As String
SegmInput = InputBox("Submit abbrev (SR, SFDI, SFRB, SFZP, SZIF, SFK,
If Not SegmInput = "SR" And Not SegmInput = "SFDI" And Not SegmInput =
"SFRB" _
And Not SegmInput = "SFZP" And Not SegmInput = "SZIF" And Not
SegmInput = "SFK" And Not SegmInput = "SFCK" _
And Not SegmInput = "SFZUP" And Not SegmInput = "MR" Then
MsgBox "Invalid input - must be: SR, SFDI, SFRB, SFZP, SZIF, SFK,
SFCK, SFZUP or MR!", vbCritical
End If
Loop Until SegmInput = "SR" Or SegmInput = "SFDI" Or SegmInput =
"SFRB" Or SegmInput = "SFZP" Or SegmInput = "SZIF" _
Or SegmInput = "SFK" Or SegmInput = "SFCK" Or SegmInput = "SFZUP" Or
SegmInput = "MR"
segment_dbvr_acc = SegmInput
Dim YearInput As Variant
YearInput = InputBox("Submit year (n-1)!")
If Not YearInput = "2004" And Not YearInput = "2005" And Not YearInput
= "2006" And Not YearInput = "2007" And Not YearInput = "2008" And Not
YearInput = "2009" And Not YearInput = "2010" Then
MsgBox "Invalid input - must be within 2004-10!", vbCritical
End If
Loop Until YearInput = "2004" Or YearInput = "2005" Or YearInput =
"2005" Or YearInput = "2007" Or YearInput = "2008" Or YearInput =
"2009" Or YearInput = "2010"
year_dbvr_acc = YearInput
DoCmd.Rename " segment_dbvr_acc & " " & year_dbvr_acc & " Pr",
acTable, "nsr"
Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume Rename_rename_Exit
End Function
I would need to dynamically rename the tables with the user input
variables submitted by user via inputbox.
I tried approach from Excel, but syntax error has occured during
compilation in Access.
Any ideas. Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions.
Petr Duzbaba
Function rename_via_inputbox()
On Error GoTo Rename_rename_Err
Dim SegmInput As String
SegmInput = InputBox("Submit abbrev (SR, SFDI, SFRB, SFZP, SZIF, SFK,
If Not SegmInput = "SR" And Not SegmInput = "SFDI" And Not SegmInput =
"SFRB" _
And Not SegmInput = "SFZP" And Not SegmInput = "SZIF" And Not
SegmInput = "SFK" And Not SegmInput = "SFCK" _
And Not SegmInput = "SFZUP" And Not SegmInput = "MR" Then
MsgBox "Invalid input - must be: SR, SFDI, SFRB, SFZP, SZIF, SFK,
SFCK, SFZUP or MR!", vbCritical
End If
Loop Until SegmInput = "SR" Or SegmInput = "SFDI" Or SegmInput =
"SFRB" Or SegmInput = "SFZP" Or SegmInput = "SZIF" _
Or SegmInput = "SFK" Or SegmInput = "SFCK" Or SegmInput = "SFZUP" Or
SegmInput = "MR"
segment_dbvr_acc = SegmInput
Dim YearInput As Variant
YearInput = InputBox("Submit year (n-1)!")
If Not YearInput = "2004" And Not YearInput = "2005" And Not YearInput
= "2006" And Not YearInput = "2007" And Not YearInput = "2008" And Not
YearInput = "2009" And Not YearInput = "2010" Then
MsgBox "Invalid input - must be within 2004-10!", vbCritical
End If
Loop Until YearInput = "2004" Or YearInput = "2005" Or YearInput =
"2005" Or YearInput = "2007" Or YearInput = "2008" Or YearInput =
"2009" Or YearInput = "2010"
year_dbvr_acc = YearInput
DoCmd.Rename " segment_dbvr_acc & " " & year_dbvr_acc & " Pr",
acTable, "nsr"
Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume Rename_rename_Exit
End Function