Rename file within a directory using creating date

  • Thread starter Thread starter DavidH56
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Could someone please assist me with obtaining the correct code for renaming
a file or multiple files in a directory to include its creation date. This is
the code I have so far and thanks in advance for any assistance:

Sub RenameFileToDatedFile()

'Install a refernce to library: Microsoft Scripting Runtime

Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim afile As file 'Handle for fso 'File' Object
Dim aPath As String
Dim aName As String
Dim sNewFile As String
Dim sOldFile As String

'Set up your filespec
aPath = sfol = "C:\Temp\Reports\"
aName = "pcb.ppt"

If FSO.FileExists(aPath & aName) Then
Set afile = FSO.GetFile(aPath & aName) '<< Example of setting
' MsgBox "The File exists " & aFile.DateCreated

'Range("B50") = aFile.DateCreated

sOldFile = "C:\Temp\Reports\pcb.ppt"
sNewFile = "C:\Temp\Reports\Final PCB Data " & Format(afile.DateCreated,
"dd-mmm-yy") & ".ppt"

Name sOldFile As sNewFile

End If

'Clean House
Set afile = Nothing

End Sub
Thanks for your quick resonse Barb. I tried your code but must have a syntax
problem. It's not compiling.

Thanks again.