removing winxp

  • Thread starter Thread starter fatman
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How can I remove winxp,I'm sick of stuff not working scambling for
drivers updates that do nothing,my money was wasted buying this,I'm
going back to win98se which gave me no problems.Help can't find out
how to do it.
It is easy to do. You just have to format the hard drive
and use your obsolete W98 CD to install it on a clean drive.
Be sure to back up your data, also, expect to have more
trouble since many patches are not available anymore.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
some support

| How can I remove winxp,I'm sick of stuff not working
scambling for
| drivers updates that do nothing,my money was wasted buying
| going back to win98se which gave me no problems.Help can't
find out
| how to do it.
fatman said:
How can I remove winxp,I'm sick of stuff not working scambling for
drivers updates that do nothing,my money was wasted buying this,I'm
going back to win98se which gave me no problems.Help can't find out
how to do it.

Boot the machine with a Win98 boot disk (which
I'm sure you have), then run delpart.exe
to delete all existing partitions. There are now two things
left to do:
a) Ask a Win9x newsgroup how to install Win98 on
an unpartitioned disk, and
b) Ask yourself why you spat the dummy and replaced
a fine, robust and stable operating system with one
that is wobbly, outdated and probably unsupported
in the near future.
fatman said:
How can I remove winxp,I'm sick of stuff not working scambling for
drivers updates that do nothing,my money was wasted buying this,I'm
going back to win98se which gave me no problems.Help can't find out
how to do it.

You're ranting because you completely failed to do any homework before

Did you run the Upgrade Advisor before installation? No, you did not.
Did you check to see if your system was capable of running XP? No, you did
Did you make sure all your hardware and software was XP compatible? No, you
did not.

And you wonder why you're having problems! PEBCAK error.
You need to also be aware that many newer drivers will not be written for
Win98SE and that most updates for Win98SE will be "discontinuing" soon.
contrary to all your beliefs my sys is more than up to date it's xp
thats trying to get drivers that work with it,by doing home work
before I installed,all software has to conform to it an not visa
versa.I want control over my sys not sys telling me how to configure
fatman said:
contrary to all your beliefs my sys is more than up to date it's xp
thats trying to get drivers that work with it,by doing home work
before I installed,all software has to conform to it an not visa
versa.I want control over my sys not sys telling me how to configure

Good luck! What will you do when you can no longer run
your virus scanner on Win98? When Microsoft stops supporting
Win98, everyone else will immediately follow suit.
fatman said:
contrary to all your beliefs my sys is more than up to date it's xp
thats trying to get drivers that work with it,by doing home work
before I installed,all software has to conform to it an not visa
versa.I want control over my sys not sys telling me how to configure

Ok, I think the point people are trying to tell you is, most if not all of us have and use some type of xp. My 6 year old installs games, my 12 year old installs, downloads etc... I my self have worked on many machines with xp and I my self have owned home and pro. I have never heard someone with so many issues except the teen next door to me and he blamed xp. After going over his pc, it was his inability to adjust to xp from 98se. Now that he has the understanding he has little if no problems at all. I am just taking a guess but I think your machine may be too old or programs may be too old and you are trying to use them. "If"your pc is old as 98 that would be a problem also. Your motherboard might simply be, well, too old, not that xp won't work on it but it can cause many issues. Like everyone was saying, 98 will no longer even be supported. The pc world changes very fast and if you don't keep up, you get left behind. I have a neighbor who still uses 95 and gets mad if he can't install anything new, he needs to move on. If you had a better understanding of the technical side of it, you would easily see our point. You just seem very frustrated and many do get that way, things change very fast. Calm down, ask a few questions and give some info on your pc, age yadda yadda yadda.
Many will help you on this site.
fatman said:
How can I remove winxp,I'm sick of stuff not working scambling for
drivers updates that do nothing,my money was wasted buying this,I'm
going back to win98se which gave me no problems.Help can't find out
how to do it.

Format c: is the quickest way, then reinstall. I'm betting that the machine
came with Win98 SE installed on it, has a small hard drive, is around 300
MHz and at most 128 Mb Ram.
Nothing wrong with that. Some people still insist on using CP/M.
If you upgraded, go to Control Panel > Add Remove Programs.
You should be able to uninstall XP and revert back to your previous 98

If this is not the case, you'll have to reformat and reinstall.

If your switching back because you can't get programs to work, Windows XP
Program Compatability Wizard. You can access it by going to Help and Support
the Start Menu or just right clicking the program you want to use and going
to properties.
I think there's a Compatability tab. Don't use it on old virus software
which was used on your
previous OS or on system software.

Mike Painter said:
Format c: is the quickest way, then reinstall. I'm betting that the machine
came with Win98 SE installed on it, has a small hard drive, is around 300
MHz and at most 128 Mb Ram.
Nothing wrong with that. Some people still insist on using CP/M.

Unless the OP still has Win98 installed (which I very much doubt,
considering is lament), format c: is not an option under WinXP.
Windows won't let him format the system drive.
Hey this sys is up to date,5-180 gig hds,386mgs ram,128mg video,Amd
1700xp soundblaster live,ethernet card,56k zoom modem top of the line
stuff,but xp with all it patches security updts screw up the
works,this sys is connected to three gateway sys running 800mhz
2-40gig hds,I run an apache server from here when I can get it to work
with xp,there is nothing in xp that has not been stolen from other
programs,like go back,file mover,win explorere doesn't do the job,you
should try power desk,sys suite for virus protection,not norton,these
programs are far superior than anything in xp......As far as finding
the unistall in the control panel it's not there.I have not seen
windows load on any sys without it screwing up something it's not
consistent on any machine I've seen.The word is Operating system,it
should do anything I TELL IT TO DO not the other way around,I'm
seriously looking at linx.
Humm, I smell troll. If you are in fact as good as you claim, you would
not be here asking something so "stupidly simple" as "removing winxp".
What makes you think so? The fact that he spells the
operating system of his dreams, Linux, as "linx"?
fatman said:
Hey this sys is up to date,5-180 gig hds,386mgs ram,128mg video,Amd
1700xp soundblaster live,ethernet card,56k zoom modem top of the line
stuff,but xp with all it patches security updts screw up the
works,this sys is connected to three gateway sys running 800mhz
2-40gig hds,I run an apache server from here when I can get it to work
with xp,there is nothing in xp that has not been stolen from other
programs,like go back,file mover,win explorere doesn't do the job,you
should try power desk,sys suite for virus protection,not norton,these
programs are far superior than anything in xp......As far as finding
the unistall in the control panel it's not there.I have not seen
windows load on any sys without it screwing up something it's not
consistent on any machine I've seen.The word is Operating system,it
should do anything I TELL IT TO DO not the other way around,I'm
seriously looking at linx.
On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 23:01:11 GMT, fatman

>contrary to all your beliefs my sys is more than up to date it's xp
>thats trying to get drivers that work with it,by doing home work
>before I installed,all software has to conform to it an not visa
>versa.I want control over my sys not sys telling me how to configure

Well I will say this, if it's you want to run a server, then Linux or Unix will probably be your best bet. I beleive Fedora 4 is out for Linux. As long as you know what you are doing. Except for the open source code for Linux, Fedora is becoming more like Windows every day. They do have awesome screen savers though. Perhaps you should have bought windows server 2003? That may explain the problems.
fatman said:
Hey this sys is up to date,5-180 gig hds,386mgs ram,128mg video,Amd
1700xp soundblaster live,ethernet card,56k zoom modem top of the line
stuff,but xp with all it patches security updts screw up the
works,this sys is connected to three gateway sys running 800mhz
2-40gig hds,I run an apache server from here when I can get it to work
with xp,there is nothing in xp that has not been stolen from other
programs,like go back,file mover,win explorere doesn't do the job,you
should try power desk,sys suite for virus protection,not norton,these
programs are far superior than anything in xp......As far as finding
the unistall in the control panel it's not there.I have not seen
windows load on any sys without it screwing up something it's not
consistent on any machine I've seen.The word is Operating system,it
should do anything I TELL IT TO DO not the other way around,I'm
seriously looking at linx.

Any version of UNIX it always reminds me of a soaped up version of CP/M. I'm
not talking about the pretty face that people put on it in the hope of
making it easy to use but the actual OS.
But it was designed to give people the power to do what they wanted to with
a machine.
It has a steep learning curve and while the typical UNIX guru will argue all
day about why his *command line driven* program is better than your *command
line driven* program he will have little time to help you and if you mention
GUI, will probably stop talking to you.

If you've written assembly language programs to make your printer work, are
fairly competent in C and have written some complex DOS based batch files,
then you have some idea of what you face in Linux.

My system is essentially the same as yours (although it only has 384 Mb of
RAM) and I do not consider it up to date. However it has only frozen once
since I've had it and the BSOD has only shown up when first installing odd
ball no name hardware.
Shut up you stupid c*nt. The posts before yours where sufficient.No one
gives a sh*t about your opinion.
Translation: "She got it exactly right and I'm to embarrassed to admit it."

He should switch to Linix.
Why are all you people making suggestions and opinoions of what this man
wants to do? He asked a simple question. If you have an answer give it. If he
wants more opinions he'll ask. Are you folks trying to mess this Board up
like you do everything else? mouths, how do you remove XP
and put in W98?