It's amazing how many different people know how many different facts. (This
is not an attack on anybody in particular just an observation)
1 Some people say you can only activate so many times period. ( I know
that isn't true)
2 Some say you have to call in if you've installed and activated less
than 120 days ago. (The one I thought was true)
3 And now there's no limitations at all. 15 times during a week without
having to call it in?
Now I have to wonder which of these statements is true. (ignoring the 1st
one which is ridiculous but believed by some)
1. Is not true for Windows. There are some older versions of Office
(MSO2000, I believe) that might say you have activated too many times.
A call to MS sets that one straight.
2. The 120 days was a change added by SP1. It is the time span to
accomodate folks that upgrade their hardware often. Each time you add
or change certain bits of hardware, it adds a vote. Accumulate so many
votes within 120 days and you call for activation instead of using the
internet. At the end of 120 days, the accumulated votes get reset to
3. May or may not be true. If installing to the same hardware - a
repair install or reinstall, chances are good that activation will
take place over the internet.
If doing a clean install, it still should go through on the internet
but you may get prompted to call after installing x amount of times in
a short time period. There is no exact limits published for this as
far as I know. Personally, I have never run into it.
I have had to call in twice for my personal desktop. Once was a repair
install after swapping out my motherboard. The other time, I installed
a hard drive, a dvd writer and a new display adapter all in the same
day. Both times I had bumped the vote number for hardware changes over
the limit. The phone calls took less than 5 minutes each.
Alex Nichol has an excellent article about product activation on Jim
Eshelman's site. Besides being a clear and concise explanation of
activation, it covers what hardware is considered and how many votes
each device carries: