Removing Windows 98

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It depends on where your Win98 installation is located. If it's on a
separate partition (which is most likely) then all you need do is delete
that partition in Disk Management (Admin tools). You can either create a
new blank drive out of the space in Windows Disk Management but to re-size
your XP partition to encompass the empty space you will need third-party
software. EASEUS Partition Manager is a good free one available. (google
Then alter the 'boot.ini' file by typing 'msconfig.exe' into the "Run"
box on the 'Start Menu' and then choosing the BOOT.INI tab. Either press on
the button 'Check all paths' or manually delete the Windows 98 entry. Do
this to stop getting the options to boot into a non-existent operating
system at boot.


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)
I did the upgrade not a fresh install. From I understand that way I could
always go back to Windows 98 so that means that it is still there.
What Folders now exist in the root of C: ? If you see something like
Win98 then that would contain the restore files to roll back the Upgrade.
S1L1Y1 said:
I upgraded from Windows 98SE to Windows XP. I do I remove Windows 98?

Assuming you performed a standard in-place upgrade, you should just
leave well enough alone. Are you running out of space on your hard drive
by any chance?
Daave said:
Assuming you performed a standard in-place upgrade, you should just
leave well enough alone.

Exactly. Well said! Leave it be.
Are you running out of space on your hard drive by any chance?

If so, he could perhaps selectively delete *some* files, but he had best be
Yes I am running out of space that is why I want to remove it.

I'm not sure you'd gain that much space by deleting those files. How
big is your hard drive and how much space more do you need?
it is 19 GB only 8% left
Craig Coope said:
I'm not sure you'd gain that much space by deleting those files. How
big is your hard drive and how much space more do you need?
Hopefully an expert in this particular upgrade will chime in. But I
would think that since it is integrated with your XP installation,
"removing it" would resemble brain surgery and you probably wouldn't get
to reclaim much space -- even if you were to safely delete the unneeded
files. You really should leave well enough alone!

Better to just purchase a larger hard drive and clone the current one to

Also, there may be other ways to reclaim space. Look at this helpful
it is 19 GB only 8% left

I may be well off on this but even if it was a true full 98 install
(not just the "left overs" I seem to remember that back in the day it
wouldn't take up much more than a gig of space on the
drive....Probably less (I know 95 was much less) so deleting these
files would not solve your problems. Buy a new HD. They are very cheap
(esp if you don't ask for much more than a couple of hundred gig). I
just bought a 1TB (around 1000gig) drive for £80 and that is almost
infinitely larger than it seems you, yourself, would ever need.
The drive should come with cloning software. The result will be a
bootable hard drive (identical to your current one, just larger!). Just
to be on the safe side, back up all your data first.