Thank you Alex for your assistance on my previous post. I've tried the same
solution for this problem but it's not working...
I've created a user control in the VS2003 1.1 framework and I'd like to
hide the read only properties I've created on the control in the designer.
I've tried the following to no avail:
//fix me-not sure if this is right, the user cant set them so they shouldnt
see them in the designer
//[Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never),
public override float DetectMaxValue
//tried having both, not having both, 1 other, no avail
get {return base.DetectMaxValue;}
//set {base.DetectMaxValue = value;}
//my property
public float DetectMaxValue
return m_detectMaxValue;
// set
// {
// m_detectMaxValue=value;
// this.Invalidate();
// }
Any help?
solution for this problem but it's not working...
I've created a user control in the VS2003 1.1 framework and I'd like to
hide the read only properties I've created on the control in the designer.
I've tried the following to no avail:
//fix me-not sure if this is right, the user cant set them so they shouldnt
see them in the designer
//[Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never),
public override float DetectMaxValue
//tried having both, not having both, 1 other, no avail
get {return base.DetectMaxValue;}
//set {base.DetectMaxValue = value;}
//my property
public float DetectMaxValue
return m_detectMaxValue;
// set
// {
// m_detectMaxValue=value;
// this.Invalidate();
// }
Any help?