You can selectively delete the URL's from the address bar, but it can be a
daunting process depending on how many are left.
Go to Start/Run and type: regedit and press OK. This will open the
registry editor.
Navigate to the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs
Click on the TypeURLs key and in the right side window you will see all of
the URL's listed. Each entry will have a consecutive number such as url1,
url2, url3, etc. Delete the entries that you wish by right clicking and
selecting Delete from the menu.
Once you are finished, you must rename the remaining URL's with consecutive
numbers. For instance, if you started with 5 url's and you deleted number 1
and number 3, then you would need to rename the remaining numbers 2,4, and 5
to numbers 1, 2, and 3. If the numbers are not consecutive, starting with
number 1, then none of these url's will appear in the address bar.
Alternatively, stay away from porn sites ;-)