When I insert a subform in the design mode I find the XL2007 always creating
an unwanted label on the left of the child form. I don't know how to move
this label above the subform as a heading or completely remove it.

Can you also create a subform on a tabbed form?

All help would be appreciated!

Thanx in advance.

Best Regards,

Allen Browne

Assuming this is Access (not Excel), and you have the subform open in design
view, here's how you can move the labels into the Form Header section:

1. Show the Form Header section (View menu, or Arrange tab of ribbon in

2. Select the labels (by running the mouse up through them.)

3. Cut (Ctrl+X)

4. Click on the Form Header section.

5. Paste (Ctrl+V.)

6. Move the labels and text boxes into place, the way you want to see them
(for Continuous Form view.)

If you don't want the labels at all:
1. Open the Properties box (View menu.)

2. Click on the text box in the Toolbox (or Design tab of ribbon in A2007.)
The title of the Properties sheet will read, 'Default text box.'

3. Set the All Label property to No. (It's on the Format tab of the
Properties box, low down in the list.)

To place a subform on a tab control page:

1. Open the form in design view.

2. Click on the desired tab.

3. Drag the desired form from the Database Window (or Nav Pane in A2007.)


Thanx Allen!
I am sorry but quite used to XL forum made such a mistake! Its actually the
first time I am using Access2007.
Thanx again!

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