removing startup programs via msconfig



Hi All. I am new here and did search through the posts that came through on
my email, but didn't see this ? among them.

In msconfig/startup, I have ALOT of things that are checked. I recognise the
programs that I personally chose to have run at start up, but do not
recognise alot of the others. I am new to XP & Compaq.

What is safe to remove from startup? Everything? if I wanted to? Or is there
something that SHOULD run at startup that I should leave alone?

What I am trying to accomplish is to have nothing running in the background,
I want only the programs that I am currently using to be running, well and
my AV. I am not low on space or memory, my pc is only about 1.5 mos. old.

Thanks for any help you can offer this XP newbie.

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