removing special characters


Mark Bosley

i'm reading from a database and found special character showing up as \0
when i serialize to xml.

trim does not work and using the string.Replace doesn't either.

how do i remove these?

Jon Skeet

Mark Bosley said:
i'm reading from a database and found special character showing up as \0
when i serialize to xml.

trim does not work and using the string.Replace doesn't either.

how do i remove these?

Trim should work just fine, as should string.Replace - could you give a
short but complete example of them not working? Here's one showing them

using System;

public class Test
static void Main ()
string original = "hello\0 there\0\0\0";
string trimmed = original.Trim ('\0');
string replaced = original.Replace ("\0", "");

Console.WriteLine (original.Length);
Console.WriteLine (trimmed.Length);
Console.WriteLine (replaced.Length);

Austin Ehlers

i'm reading from a database and found special character showing up as \0
when i serialize to xml.

trim does not work and using the string.Replace doesn't either.

how do i remove these?

My guess is that you are calling it like this:


However, in C#, strings are immutable, so that call actually returns a
new string. Call it like this:



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