removing security

  • Thread starter Thread starter doreen
  • Start date Start date


I was trying to secure 1 database in our system. I made a
copy of the database on a different harddrive to make sure
I did it correctly. After running the wizard and testing
the copy to make sure it was ok I closed it out. I tried
to open the original database and found it secured also.
So were the other databases in the system. So my question
is how do I totally remove the security, and why did it
lock all databases?
Running the wizard joins you to the secure.mdw file that is created when the
wizard runs. You should use the workgroup administrator to join the default
system.mdw file that came with Access. Then use the shortcut created by the
wizard to open your secure database.
Instead of removing security, just change your default workgroup back to

Every session of Access uses a workgroup file. It ships with system.mdw
which is used by default and silently logs you in as the 'Admin' user.

When you implemented security, you created a new workgroup file. The
workgroup administrator made this the new default workgroup to use. That is
why you are getting a login prompt for all Access sessions.

Use the workgroup administrator to join to the system.mdw workgroup. Then
to launch your secure database, you can again use the workgroup
administrator to join your secure mdw (tedious), or better just create a
desktop shortcut for your secure mdb. It's target would look like
"path to msaccess.exe" "path to mdb" /wrkgrp "path to secure mdw"

When you use this, it will over-ride the default workgroup, and use your
secure mdw for just that session.
I have a timecard database using the workgroup securety. A user logs in by
entering user name and possword in a log-on dialog box. Then log off for the
next user.

As it costs time to start the timecard database every time, it is not good
when a number of employees are wraiting for log in working. I prefer to have
a function shiftting the users without logging off the database.

I would appreciate a sample code for the solution.
