Removing Programs From Startup



Is there any other way of keeping a program from starting
at boot up other than using msconfig to enter selective
startup mode and excluding the program under the startup
tab? Seems that Norton AntiVirus will not enable auto
protect unless normal mode is selected in msconfig.


Some programs would start as a per user setting, others on a per local
machine setting. For those with a per user setting, some will have a startup
link in the user's startup folder (Office, for ex), so you can delete the
link. Other progams have the option to load (or not load) at startup in
their properties sheet. Another way is to rename the file that you do not
want loaded - you might get a message that the file OLDwhatever.exe is
missing - but you should be OK.


Gene K

Ken said:
Is there any other way of keeping a program from starting
at boot up other than using msconfig to enter selective
startup mode and excluding the program under the startup
tab? Seems that Norton AntiVirus will not enable auto
protect unless normal mode is selected in msconfig.
Mike Lin has a free program "Startup Control Panel" which will do the job
for you. Go here to get it:
While you are there also consider "StartupMonitor". It will warn you when a
program, as many will, trys to silently add itself to your Start Menu, and
give you a "Yes or No" selection.

Ken Blake, MVP

Ken said:
Is there any other way of keeping a program from starting
at boot up other than using msconfig to enter selective
startup mode and excluding the program under the startup

MSConfig doesn't do anything that can't be done manually without
it. All it does is delete the entry from the startup folder,
change the necessary registry entry, etc.

If you go to MSConfig's startup tab, it will show you where the
entry to autostart the program is. You can make a note of it, and
then make the change manually instead of doing it in MSConfig.

Or you can use any of several third-party programs that also make
such changes for you. StartMan and Startup Control Panel are two
such programs; there are probably others.

Seems that Norton AntiVirus will not enable auto
protect unless normal mode is selected in msconfig.

Are you sure? How do you know that? I don't want to contradict
you, because I'm not sure myself, but I don't remember that

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