I finally got the problem solved, adter a tlak with the Pioneer Tech
support folks. (The manufacture of my new DVD burner)
What happened to me was this. I removed the DVD player and installed
the DVD burner. So far so good. When I went and installed the software
( a suite called DVD Movie Factory by Ulead) for the burner it gagged
and gave me the following error message. "Only part of a
After much screwing around I went
back and removed the DVD burner, reinstalled the DVD player. I then
went to the control panel, systems icon, Hardware Tab, Click on the +
by DVD-Rom Drives, right click on the DVD-Rom listing, click
Uninstall, then yes. Then I removed the DVD player, reinstalled the
DVD burner, inserted the software DVD and Lo and Behold if loaded.
Apparently , when you just remove the old
hardware, it may leave some files (probably in the registry) that may
cause conflicts with the new software you install after the
new hardware installation. I got this tip from the tech support guy at
Pioneer, (the manufacture of my new DVD Burner)
I'm lead to believe that this doesn't happen all the time, but if it
does the above procedure worked for me.
Hope this may help if you run into a problem like I did.
Loring H