Removing NAV 2002 Pro vestiges from NT 4.0

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I'm trying to get rid of the last vestiges of Norton Antivirus 2002 Pro
edition from my Windows NT 4.0 desktop. What a headache! I've been
through everything on the Norton site, both for manual removal, and
using their RNAV2003.exe tool. The program is mostly gone, but I have
1) 3 unfound files at startup
2) a recurring message from the Windows 16-bit subsystem, saying that
the Hidden Console of WOW VDM fails to initialize a particular dll
(which of course has been deleted). This comes up about every ten

The computer is otherwise running fine but it would be nice to get rid
of this junk, which Norton support shows no interest in. Has anyone got
any tips? I've been through the registry, the devices, and the
services, getting rid of anything that looked Symantec-related.

Many thanks,
Orin Hargraves
I'm trying to get rid of the last vestiges of Norton Antivirus
2002 Pro edition from my Windows NT 4.0 desktop. What a headache!
1) 3 unfound files at startup
2) a recurring message from the Windows 16-bit subsystem, saying
that the Hidden Console of WOW VDM fails to initialize a
particular dll (which of course has been deleted). This
comes up about every ten minutes.

Run regedit and search for "symantec", "norton", and the names of the
3 unfound files. When you find a key that refers to these items,
delete the key.

Also, do a file-find for all .ini files that contain the same search
text and delete those lines.

I know that symevnt (sp?) is one such item that results in startup
errors when you uninstall NAV and delete the program directories. I
think it is still trying to be run from a registry entry or .ini
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I'm trying to get rid of the last vestiges of Norton Antivirus 2002 Pro
edition from my Windows NT 4.0 desktop. What a headache! I've been
through everything on the Norton site, both for manual removal, and
using their RNAV2003.exe tool. The program is mostly gone, but I have
1) 3 unfound files at startup
2) a recurring message from the Windows 16-bit subsystem, saying that
the Hidden Console of WOW VDM fails to initialize a particular dll
(which of course has been deleted). This comes up about every ten

The computer is otherwise running fine but it would be nice to get rid
of this junk, which Norton support shows no interest in. Has anyone got
any tips? I've been through the registry, the devices, and the
services, getting rid of anything that looked Symantec-related.

Have you tried using SysInternals' AutoRuns to remove any startup entries
that may have been left behind?

If there are dll's failing it could also be "hidden" devices in the device
manager. I'm not very familiar with Windows NT, but in 2000 one
right-clicks on the Device Manager and chooses "Show hidden devices" from
the view menu.

You mention looking through the registry - tried searching the the dll file
name? Have you tried running regsvr32 /u <dll name> ?

- --
Adam Piggott, Proprietor, Proactive Services (Computing).

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Update: the problem is mutated somewhat, while remaining virtually the
same: still 3 unfound files at startup, still the recurring message
from the 16-bit subsystem. I've searched the registry and all .ini
files on my hard drive for suspicious strings but come up with nothing.
Any clues still very much welcome, though I'll also post to the NT
group and see if anyone there has got the lowdown.

Thanks for all comments,