Thanks Everybody for your comments and suggestions. it really was a great
help to me.
Mary, your suggested link is really a very good one.I too have bookmarked it
for future perusal.
DL, fortunately nothing like what you suggested happened. As a matter of
fact Quick Time was in list of control panel.
Finally I removed Quick Time via Start -> All Programs -> Quick Time ->
But let me tell you even after uninstalling it was still there in the
My friend manually removed further entries from registry even after I had
uninstalled it. He further removed entries pertaining to itunes from the
registry which I did not install in the first place.
Of course I now know that it comes bundled with Quick Time and get itself
installed whether you want it or not.
By the way my friend has suggested I should download VLC media player.
Kindly advice me whether I should download the VLC media player or mot.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP wrote:
|| ||| How do I remove Quick Time Media Player from my PC, which was
||| downloaded some time back.
||| In control panel their is separate entry for quick time which cannot
||| be deleted.
||| My friend tried to remove it by deleting all the entry pertaining to
||| quick time from registry, but it simply refuses to go.
||| How do I remove it from PC.
||| TIA.
|| Reinstall QuickTime and then use Add/Remove.
|| --
|| Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
|| Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
|| Protect your PC